
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

(HERALD, PRENSA LATINA) Cuban agriculture for better quality seeds

Cuban agriculture for better quality seeds
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 00:00

Havana. - Obtaining more high-quality seeds to meet the demand from those who work the land is a priority for the seed-producing and commercialising company of the Cuban Agriculture Ministry (Minag).

Its director, Manuel Rodriguez, said they have achieved a significant reduction in the volumes of seeds with low genetic quality, and now most of the seeds have a high germination percentage of more than 90 percent.

Rodriguez told reporters that this year's production plan of 4 800 tonnes of seeds is at 95 percent.

The plan includes 38 species of seeds, including grains, vegetables and oleaginous plants.
Cuba has the capacity to obtain 40 million plants in vitro by means of biotechnological methods, as the result of joint work by 11 factories in Cuba.
Rodriguez accompanied reporters on a tour of several units, and explained that seed production is being carried out this way, and also in the traditional manner.
Nearly 3 000 workers are labouring in the sector, including those working in state and private farms.

Rodriguez said the Cuban productive scenario has changed since the adoption of Decree-Law 259 several years ago, by virtue of which land was handed over in usufruct to people who want to work in the field.

Thousands came to work, and now the demand and need for seeds is larger. Among the measures taken by the enterprise to facilitate access to producers is the inauguration of five stores. The company now reinforces the links with those who work in the sector, including the research institutes, which also contribute to increasing seed production. - Prensa Latina.

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