
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

(HERALD) Sata was never invited: Zanu-PF S

Sata was never invited: Zanu-PF
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 00:00
Herald Reporters

ZAMBIAN President and Patriotic Front leader Mr Michael Sata was never invited to attend Zanu-PF's 12th Annual National People's Conference which begins in Bulawayo on Thursday.

Zanu-PF spokesperson Cde Rugare Gumbo yesterday dismissed as inaccurate and unfounded reports in the private media suggesting President Sata snubbed the event. "President Sata was never invited, but his party was invited and is coming to our
," he said.

Cde Gumbo said apart from President Sata's Patriotic Front, several other regional political parties that shared the same ideology with Zanu-PF were invited.

"Cde Stan Mudenge who is the secretary for international affairs in the party invited all political parties in the region to atte- nd the conference and the response is positive.

"Some political parties are coming and will participate at the conference," he said.
Cde Gumbo said it was the duty of President Mugabe to invite a Head of State to such an occasion and not Zanu-PF.

"The President did not do that (invite President Sata)," added Cde Gumbo.

Delegates to the Zanu-PF 12th Annual People's Conference are expected in Bulawayo tomorrow.

On arrival day, Cde Gumbo said President Mugabe will plant a tree at Milton High School.

The President plants a tree as part of commemorating the National Tree Planting Day every December.

Cde Gumbo said the main business of the conference starts on Thursday when President Mugabe officially opens the conference.

After the official opening, Cde Gumbo said the conference will break into committees discussing various issues.

Top on the agenda will be indigenisation and agriculture.

"Three days of the conference will be dedicated to dist new members into the Central Committee.cuss various issues among them is the state of the party, indigenisation, agriculture," he said.

Cde Gumbo said the party will also discuss regional and international geo-political developments and the state of the economy.

Deliberations will also touch on culture and special services.

On the last day, Cde Gumbo said, the President will co-op

On the issue of vacant posts in the Politburo, Cde Gumbo said: "That is for the Presidium to decide but we do not have that item on our programme."

He said the meeting of Sadc liberation movements that was supposed to be held on the sidelines of the conference was cancelled because of other commitments.

About 3 000 party delegates are expected to attend the conference, which will be held under the theme "Defend National Sovereignty, Consolidate indigenisation and Economic Empowerment.''

Sources say Zanu-PF will launch its election campaign for general elections set for next year at the conference.

The party's 10 provinces are expected to endorse President Mugabe's candidature for next year's general elections at the conference.

President Mugabe has indicated that elections should be held in the first quarter of next year.

He said the Bulawayo conference was the party's last crucial meeting before the elections.

General elections were supposed to be held this year, but were postponed after Copac failed to complete the crafting of the new constitution.

Parties in the inclusive Government agreed that new elections should be held after the new constitution was in place.

Meanwhile, our Bulawayo Bureau reports that there will be an exhibition at the Zimbabwe International Trade Company grounds, the venue of the conference by some companies looking for business from delegates.

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