Monday, December 05, 2011

MMD is too weak to to fight any political battles - Mulongoti

MMD is too weak to to fight any political battles - Mulongoti
By Kombe Chimpinde and Moses Kuwema
Sun 04 Dec. 2011, 13:58 CAT

THE MMD is weak and not in a position to fight any political battles, says Mike Mulongoti. And Mulongoti says the MMD has no chances of returning to power because most of its own members and Zambians are too fatigued of the former ruling party.

Commenting on the defeat suffered by the MMD in the Nakonde and Chongwe parliamentary and several local government by-elections on Monday, Mulongoti said there was nothing valuable or attractive left of the MMD.

"I think that is subtracting from their capacity to fight any war, so they are getting weaker and weaker," he said.

Mulongoti, who heavily campaigned for the PF prior to the September 20 general elections after being fired as Minister of Works and Supply in Rupiah Banda's government, observed that the MMD would continue to lose elections because the party had decided to hold on to the leadership that had led it to a huge electoral defeat.

"People are just too fatigued MMD has been there for too long and people are fatigued and people are looking forward to new leadership. That is precisely what is happening. MMD will continue to lose I can assure you," he said.

On claims by some members that the MMD will bounce back to power, Mulongoti said the loss of the two by-elections had clearly outlined the future of the party, which was extinction.

"Unless there is some total reformation, it is not possible for them to come back. These people need a totally new leadership and perhaps another name. Currently, MMD cannot attract a lot of interests from the public," he said.

"The party needs new blood, look at the labour party, look at the conservatives, look at the democrats in America, they realised the importance of change and change does not imply a dislike of people who were there."

Mulongoti said the MMD would remain history because it did not have leadership that could inspire confidence among Zambians.

And MMD North Western Province youth chairman Stafford Mulusa said MMD members must wakeup and demand the dissolution of what he termed the 'incompetent' NEC to allow other members to rule.

In an statement, Mulusa said the current MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) was making the party weaker every day and they must be stopped.

"MMD has a big following with capable people to lead. The president was always tired to meet party organs and NEC was watching. The campaign manager disbanded all party organs during elections and NEC was still watching with excitement. Which NEC can MMD members rely on today?" he asked.

Mulusa stated that at the time the MMD was in power, NEC members failed to understand the mood in the country.

"They failed to debate objectively and they became police officers of the party and punished whoever was against some suggested decisions especially by the President. They were just followers of what the president said, to them everything was correct," he stated.

Mulusa stated that it was unfortunate that despite being defeated in the just ended tripartite elections, arrogance had continued on the part of the highest organ of the party, NEC.

"Today none of them can simply account for any funding or material supplied during our campaigns. There is total confusion on the way forward. A suggestion from upright people is still a crime to this NEC. We have continued to hear suspensions, like for instance the suspension of a very vibrant leader in Lumba Katele, at the expense of re-organising the party," he stated.

Mulusa stated that time was ripe for people to give up leadership to intelligent, vibrant and dignified people of the MMD.

He stated that NEC must be an organ of impartiality and correct decisions even in the wake of heated debates not as a rubber stamp.

"People must be allowed to air their views unconditionally because that is what entails democracy. The selection of the next president must be through an extra ordinary convention and not by the current NEC. We are interested in rebuilding the lost glory and definitely this, NEC, is by far an organ to give us a party president even if it is in an acting capacity. If anything, the entire NEC should consider stepping down for failing to propel MMD into a victory," stated Mulusa.



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