
Saturday, December 03, 2011

MMD presidency battle heats up

MMD presidency battle heats up
By Roy Habaalu
Sat 03 Dec. 2011, 14:00 CAT

MMD is split over the party presidency with one camp backing Nevers Mumba while the other is supporting Felix Mutati, sources in the party's national executive committee have revealed.

According to the sources, former president Rupiah Banda was favouring and canvassing for votes for Mumba - a former Republican vice-president and Zambia's out-going High Commissioner to Canada.

The sources said Banda was more comfortable with Mumba because of his charisma and religious appeal, than former minister of commerce, trade and industry and current MMD Lunte member of parliament Mutati who is also articulate on most economic issues.

The sources said Banda felt that Mumba could easily take on President Sata better than Mutati would.

The sources said Banda was influential on choosing the party's president.

"Yes the divisions are there. It's true that most members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) are favouring Nevers because Banda has an indirect influence on this one. He is influencing the NEC on who to choose. Banda doesn't seem to like Felix to be his successor," the source said.

"Banda fears that Felix is a bit soft and President Michael Sata might easily offer him a job in government or when he refuses the President might find some dirt on him…as you know, in that office of President just like you journalists, it's easy to find dirt on someone, even if it's not true but it sticks. But for Nevers he is somehow talkative and less fearful. That is why you saw that even Sata attacked him, saying there is abuse of resources at Mumba's mission, because he fears him to be a tough challenger in terms of talking but not political support base."

The sources said Sata was trying to weaken Mumba, hoping Mutati would win and capitalise on him.

"The race for the MMD presidency is clearly between Felix and Nevers. Former minister of finance Situmbeko Musokotwane has no political clout and no constituency to back his candidacy to win the elections either in the NEC or at the convention. You know in politics, even if you are clean you need a proper power base to win an election. That is the same with Kasempa member of parliament Honourable Kabinga Pande. He has no constituency to win that race," the source said.

"However, as a party, we are in an awkward situation because with the battle line being drawn between Felix and Nevers, both Northerners, we are likely to have a Northerner as party president, another Northerner as national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe and Republican President Sata also a northerner. There are manoeuvres to try and unlock this complex regional triangle but it seems the choices for the party presidency are limited."

The sources said the majority of MMD members want Mutati for president, hence their insistence to have the convention elect Banda's successor.

"As we explained, the fears are that the NEC is decided on Nevers due to Banda's hidden hand in the process. Additionally, the NEC members would prefer that they be kingmakers and elect the party president themselves because they also fear that if they went to the convention and their positions are floated, they might lose their portfolios," the source said.

"But it seems with pressure from members on the grassroots the NEC will give in and allow the holding of the convention to elect the president. At the convention, the competition will be between Nevers and Felix and the situation is favourable for Felix."

Another source said the party would have a stage-managed convention because Mumba had already been endorsed by most members of the NEC.

"If we go to the convention without manipulations, Felix will get it but the problem is the inner circle that misled the boss Banda has already endorsed Nevers," the source said.

"Chisamba member of parliament and MMD national youth chairman Moses Muteteka, Pande, who is also the party's deputy national chairman and Mr Musokotwane those are just wasting their time, the race is between Nevers and Mutati. Some NEC members are saying ‘we need a Bemba president' that's the scheme they are using. They are saying for MMD to bounce back, they need a Bemba as president."

He said Banda withdrew his support for UPND president Hakainde Hichilema to lead the MMD-UPND pact after most MMD members opposed him.

The sources said MMD parliamentarians felt that the party had capable individuals to take over from Banda.

"After seeing that he was having pressure within the party that's how he turned around and said ‘let's support Nevers'. He is not sure about Felix's position, how he managed to get the wealth he has," said the source.

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