
Saturday, December 03, 2011

MMD will not fear government, says Mumba

MMD will not fear government, says Mumba
By Moses Kuwema
Sat 03 Dec. 2011, 13:55 CAT

NEVERS Mumba says the MMD will neither fear nor be intimidated by the government. And Pastor Mumba says the nation must do everything within its means to eradicate corruption from the country and says he intends to lead this fight not only in word but indeed.

Pastor Mumba, one of the five applicants for the position of MMD president, stated that he was confident that a new MMD would emerge in Zambia before the next elections.

He stated that the democratic process demands that a healthy and vibrant opposition voice be in place to ensure that the ruling party was held accountable and that there were checks and balances to ensure that policy decisions are made not in the selfish interests of a few but in the best interest of Zambia.

"It is critical that the opposition have one voice; a united voice in Zambia. As opposition leader, President Michael Sata enjoyed much freedom to speak freely, move around freely and voice his opinion freely. It is my prayer that the MMD, now the opposition party, will be able to voice our opinion freely and exercise those same freedoms accorded to President Sata while he was in the opposition. We shall not fear nor be intimidated by government. We shall be honest and firm on issues that affect justice and the security of the Zambian people," stated Pastor Mumba who until recently was Zambia's Ambassador to Canada.

Pastor Mumba stated that he was aware of the many challenges facing the MMD as it sought to carry the mantle placed upon it to be a voice for the opposition in Zambia.

He stated that Zambia had shown the world that democracy was alive and well in the nation and that the country had continued to mature as proven by the peaceful transition of power that took place recently.

Pastor Mumba stated that as a candidate for the MMD presidency, he was aware of the challenges that the party faced and the need to carry out an in-depth internal analysis of what went wrong.

He pledged to listen to what the members would be saying as they worked together in re-branding and revitalising the party.

"I am confident that a ‘new' MMD will emerge in Zambia before the next election. My goal will be to assemble a winning team from all provinces of Zambia and mobilise the grassroots of both our party and the nation at large in creating a new Movement for Multiparty Democracy," he stated.

Pastor Mumba stated that if elected party president, his goal would be to transform the MMD into a highly effective grassroots-based political party that would not only be relevant but in touch with the aspirations, hopes and dreams of a new generation of Zambians.

"I recognise the need to harness the goodwill of the party members, current and past supporters. I can assure you that as the main opposition party, we will have learned from our past mistakes and will strive to rebuild the trust and confidence of the Zambian people. I shall dedicate myself fully to help all Zambians to realise this dream and will provide the leadership, vision and dedication necessary to ensure victory at the next election," he stated.

And Pastor Mumba stated that he was more passionate and dedicated than ever to fighting corruption in Zambia in any form.

"Upon arrival in Zambia, I shall make a concise statement on the corruption fight in Zambia. After 47 years of independence our fight against corruption must be strongly anchored in proven institutions and nothing else. We must do everything within our means to eradicate this disease from our nation and I intend to lead this fight not only in word but indeed," stated Pastor Mumba.

Other MMD members that have successfully applied to be party president include former ministers Felix Mutati, Kabinga Pande, Situmbeko Musokotwane and Moses Muteteka.

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