
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Muteteka vows to fight corruption with PF government

Muteteka vows to fight corruption with PF government
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 27 Dec. 2011, 13:57 CAT

Moses Muteteka says he will work with the PF government in the fight against corruption even if that makes him unpopular in the MMD. In an interview, Muteteka, who is MMD presidential hopeful, said he would support and work with the PF government to root out corruption in the country.

He said the fight against corruption must not be politicised by former MMD ministers under probe.

"Even if I am MMD, I will support President Michael Sata's fight against corruption. I will participate in the fight even if it makes me unpopular among those being investigated for financial irregularities," Muteteka said.

He said clean people in the MMD had become unpopular because plunderers were teaming up.

Muteteka said the investigations on former leaders was an indication that criminality could be concealed forever.

"There is no smoke without fire. Those being investigated, let them not talk much but allow the due process of the law to take its course until they are cleared," he said.

Muteteka said investigations would accord suspects an opportunity to explain how they acquired wealth because salaries for civil servants were known.

He said there would be no good governance if corruption was not fought.

On the ratification of Mutembo Nchito as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Muteteka said it was good news for democracy.

"Personally, I worked with Mutembo very well when he was at the

Task Force and I have a lot of respect for him," said Muteteka.

On Tuesday, Parliament ratified the appointment of Nchito and Musa Mwenye as DPP and Solicitor-General respectively.

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