
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Police question Konga

Police question Konga
By Mwala Kalaluka
Tue 27 Dec. 2011, 13:59 CAT

KENNETH Konga yesterday appeared before the law enforcement officers investigating plunder of national resources. Konga, who is former energy minister, appeared before the investigators for questioning at the offices of the former Task Force on Corruption around 15:00 hours in Woodlands.

His lawyer Sakwiba Sikota accompanied him. By press time, Konga and Sikota were still with the officers.

The officers had earlier seized a Hummer and two motorcycles from Konga in the on-going investigations of the previous regime's management of public resources.

Well-placed sources separately confirmed that a combined team of investigators from the Zambia Police, Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) seized the propertiy from Konga, who is MMD member of parliament for Chavuma, on Wednesday last week.

When contacted last week, Konga could neither deny nor confirm the seizure of his property but referred the queries to the investigators.

"You must ask the law enforcement officers themselves. Talk to the officers, they are the ones who are doing that work. I don't have any comment to make," Konga said.

Further asked when his properties were seized, Konga responded: "Talk to the officers as I have indicated; they will confirm with you."

According to the sources, investigators were probing the way the previous government, at the time Konga served as energy minister, procured crude oil.

Asked about the probe of the crude oil deals his ministry entered into with two named firms, Konga responded: "I can't comment anything. I don't know if I am being probed. No one has brought it to my attention."

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