Monday, December 19, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) Zanu PF theatens to dissolve parliament

Zanu PF theatens to dissolve parliament
18/12/2011 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe could be forced to dissolve parliament in order to trigger new elections, Justice Minister, Patrick Chinamasa has said. Mugabe has demanded that new elections must be conducted early next year to replace the coalition government.

His Zanu PF party accuses Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T of stalling the constitutional reform process in order to delay the elections.

Over the weekend, Tendai Biti -- the MDC-T secretary general and Finance Minister -- insisted that his party would not participate in new elections without a new voters’ roll and security sector reforms.

“Our members are going to go for elections after the completion of the constitution-making process, the referendum, drafting of a new voters’ roll, media reforms, completion of legislative reform, the conclusion of outstanding issues at the dialogue table on security sector realignment and staffing of ZEC,” Biti told reporters after a meeting of the MDC-T’s national council.

“And also after the compliance by Zimbabwe on the SADC electoral guidelines on free and fair elections and putting in place of mechanisms to ensure that violence will not be a factor in the said election that is what the roadmap suggests.”

But Chinamasa said Mugabe could decree the dissolution of parliament to force the election.

“It is very possible for the President to call for elections and there is no provision that prevents him from doing that but it is our desire as Zanu-PF to see the constitution-making process concluded so that we hold elections under a new constitution,” Chinamasa told the Sunday News.

“We won’t entertain any stalling of the process, as a party we are committed and we urge the MDC parties to do the same.’’

Chinamasa claimed the MDC-T was trying to delay the elections by stalling the constitutional reform process but insisted that Zanu PF would not held to ransom by its rivals.

“The MDC is always insisting on reforms before the elections but it’s not clear who should reform what? We cannot be held at ransom by the MDC-T which is employing every dirty delaying tactic in the book to avoid elections,” he said.

“Zanu-PF is always ready for elections and it should not be made to wait longer to get back into power by parties that know that the next elections will be the end of them.’’

Political analysts say Mugabe's allies are pressing for early elections, which are only due in 2013 when Mugabe would be 89, fearing he may not cope with the pressure of campaigning, and also to take advantage of what they see as a weakening opposition.

A June 2008 U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks claimed Mugabe had prostate cancer that had spread to other organs. He was apparently urged by his physician to step down in 2008 but has stayed in the job.

"I think it's fair to say that Mugabe might be seeing some opportunities in taking on Tsvangirai sooner rather than later, with minimum democratic reforms, and increasing questions over Tsvangirai and the MDC's capacity," NCA chairman, Lovemore Madhuku said in a recent interview with Reuters.

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