Monday, January 23, 2012

(HERALD) Resettled farmers, authorities clash in Masvingo

COMMENT - The MDC is trying to sabotage the Zimbabwe people's advancement at every turn. Defunding agriculture and national defense, and now trying to reverse the land reform program by underhand means, using their control of local councils. They stand for continued dependency and control of the Zimbabwean people and their resources, including their land. In this 21st century, we are still fighting colonialism.

Resettled farmers, authorities clash in Masvingo
Monday, 23 January 2012 00:00
Masvingo Bureau

HUNDREDS of resettled farmers allocated land on the periphery of Masvingo city are angry over a new master plan for the city which will encroach into their farms. The farmers have since accused Masvingo council of trying to covertly reverse the land reform programme by drawing up a master plan that will incorporate most of the farms where people were resettled under the land reform programme.

They are now urging government to stop council from effecting the master plan that they claim will leave them without farming land. Council last week said the master plan was a legal requirement for any city in Zimbabwe and its implementation will continue.

Co-ordinator for Masvingo Wildlife Conservancy Mr Isaiah Muzenda accused council authorities of trying to use the master plan to expropriate land from resettled farmers.

He said resettled farmers will resist any attempts to use the master plan to take their land.

"We are worried about the so called master plan which we understand has already designated most farms where people were resettled to fall under Masvingo city council," said Muzenda.

"We view the drawing of that master plan as an attempt to reverse the land reform programme by earmarking our farms for future urban expansion, we will resist any attempts to confiscate our farms."

Muzenda said the adoption of the new master plan will be an attempt to derail the land reform programme and destroy thriving peri-urban farming that had improved the food availability situation in Masvingo city. Masvingo mayor Alderman Femius Chakabuda said the new master plan was a legal requirement which every city across Zimbabwe was mandated to have.

He said the new master plan had not yet been adopted, adding that council was still consulting.

"The master plan is a legal requirement that we must have as a city and we are not targeting anyone," said Alderman Chakabuda.

"People will have their chance to input what they want to be in the master plan, where they want their city to grow to into the future. If there are some who have problems with the master plan they will have an opportunity to raise objections.

"We anticipate that the master plan will only be ready by December this year."

Alderman Chakabuda said council was still consulting all the relevant stakeholders before coming up with the master plan, saying there was no need for anyone to panic.

"The truth of the matter is that the city should grow and when the city grows it means new cemeteries will be built so are new houses and that needs land," he said.
Masvingo city council is drawing up a new master plan after the one it used for the last five years expired.

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