Monday, January 09, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Barotse separatists branded insane

Barotse separatists branded insane
TIME PUBLISHED - Sunday, January 8, 2012, 10:06 pm

PRINCE Imasiku Mutangelwa has described people advocating the secession of Barotseland and the announcement of the so-called Barotseland cabinet as ‘insane’.

Mr Mutangelwa has called on Government to identify the culprits behind the illegal cabinet, saying they need to be incarcerated or put in a mental institution before they plunge the national into chaos.

Mr Mutangelwa, who has previously been arrested and charged over his sentiments on the Barotseland Agreement, said Government should find the people circulating documents suggesting that a cabinet has been put in place in Barotseland, saying : “These characters are causing alarm in the nation.”

“This is insanity. The state must identify them and put them in prison or take them to Chainama (Hills Hospital) before they cause chaos with their alarming statements,” Mr Mutangelwa said.

Mr Mutangelwa said in an interview yesterday that most of the people named in the ‘Barotseland cabinet’ were not consulted over their appointment to the illegal cabinet.

“These statements are just meant to distract Government as they have no backing from the people of Western Province. Government must identify these people and take them to Chainama – where they belong,” Mr Mutangelwa said.

And some of the people named in the purported Barotseland cabinet have denied links to the formation of a government in Western Province, saying they were not consulted and have no idea who was making the appointments.

Nyambe Namushi, a commissioner on the Mongu Commission of Inquiry into the Mongu riots of January 14, 2011, who was named as the deputy administrator-general, said the reports have injured his reputation.

Mr Namushi said he only learnt of his appointment through the Zambian Watchdog, an online publication.

He said he has written to the publication, asking the publishers to retract the statement because he does not even know who appointed him.

“All the people in that cabinet were not consulted and have no clue who was appointing them,” Mr Namushi said, adding that it was the work of fanatics, trained to misdirect people’s attention.

Mwangelwa Mbikusita Lewanika, who has been named as Finance Minister in the Barotseland government, said his reputation has been damaged because people are connecting him to calls for secession, when the Barotse Royal Establishment can competently deal with the matter.

“It’s very damaging to those of us who have been named. It’s a cowardly act that people should desist from because they only damage other people’s reputation and even the whole process of Barotseland discussions,” Mr Lewanika said.

Mukubesa Ilukena, one of those named in the cabinet, said some people can do anything to frustrate Government.

Mr Mutangelwa, however, said he strongly believed President Sata cannot be disturbed by fanatics. “President Sata is always on the ground and ahead of things. He should not let anyone disturb him from pursuing his vision,” he said.

He said the PF government should not get distracted by alarming statements which have no backing from the people of the Western Province.

Mr Mutangelwa commended the PF government for its stance against corruption.

He said corruption has in the past disadvantaged most citizens, as a few greedy individuals were pocketing all the resources.

Mr Mutangelwa said “all those characters that deceived the people of Zambia that they were governing us but were instead stealing from them must be investigated and brought to book”.

President Sata last month said a group of people in Western Province is attempting to form a state within a State and has already appointed a Prime Minister.

The President described the situation as serious and castigated the police and ministers of Defence and Home Affairs for failing to deal with the matter.

Mr Sata said there was no need for the army to intervene in the matter because they might end up ‘slaughtering’ people, adding that bloodshed over the issue was unnecessary.

Under the previous Government last year, police killed and maimed people over similar agitations in the province. Other people were arrested but pardoned when Mr Sata won the presidency and currently, a commission appointed by the President is still sitting to investigate the incident.

President Sata recently held talks with representatives of three groups from the Western Province to discuss the matter.
In August 2000, Mr Mutangelwa, then leader of a small group known as the Barotse Patriotic Front, was sought by police for questioning after he made statements supporting a separatist rebellion.

Later the same month, Mr Mutangelwa sought asylum in the residence of the South African High Commissioner, but his request was denied.

He was subsequently arrested and charged with belonging to an unlawful society.

[Zambia Daily Mail]

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