Sunday, January 22, 2012

MMD's Mafutani almost axed me, says losing PF candidate

MMD's Mafutani almost axed me, says losing PF candidate
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 22 Jan. 2012, 13:30 CAT

KAOMA police are pursuing Luampa Constituency MMD youth chairman Chindumba Mafutani after he threatened to axe a losing PF parliamentary candidate who was gathering evidence for an electoral petition case.

Losing PF parliamentary candidate for Luampa Constituency, Muzaza Musangu and police sources confirmed yesterday that a docket had been opened in the matter at Luampa Police Post.

Narrating the ordeal in an interview from Kaoma, Musangu, who has since petitioned the election of Luampa area MMD member of parliament and North-Western Province minister, Josephine Limata, said Mafutani almost killed him.

"I went to Mulwa in readiness for the petition hearing. When I was coming from Mulwa, I passed through Luampa where there is a grinding mill for the MMD, which we believe was installed three days before the polls," Musangu said.

He said he was in the company of Mbanyutu PF councillor, Sindele Tolosi, when they made a stopover at the MMD grinding mill.

"We parked our motorbike because we saw one of my relatives who had gone there," Musangu said. "The moment the youth chairman for MMD Chindumba Mafutani saw me with my councillor, he just got an axe and came straight to me."

He said onlookers expressed shock at Mafutani's behaviour as they restrained him and they queried him why he wanted to kill Musangu.

Musangu said Mafutani said they had been told to look out for him because he was looking for grounds for the electoral petition hearing.

He said Mafutani further went to his motorbike and ransacked his clothing, a video camera he had been using to capture evidence, two helmets and money amounting to K1 million.

Musangu said when the matter was reported to Luampa Police Post and a follow-up was made to the grinding mill in question, Mafutani and others had already dispersed from the area.

"I was advised to report the matter to Kaoma Police," said Musangu. "Right now we are intending to go there so that the police can go there and investigate and arrest the guy. We are surprised that the matter is in court, but the MMD sends people to harass or even clear me. I was almost cleared."

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