Monday, January 30, 2012

Sata has demonstrated political will in corruption fight - TIZ

Sata has demonstrated political will in corruption fight - TIZ
By Allan Mulenga
Mon 30 Jan. 2012, 14:01 CAT

TRANSPARENCY International Zambia says President Michael Sata has demonstrated political will in fighting corruption by firing Alfred Chipoya. Commenting on the sacking of Chipoya, who was President Sata's senior private secretary, for alleged corruption, TIZ executive director Goodwell Lungu, said senior government officials should be above board and maintain high levels of integrity.

"TIZ has received the allegations of corruption against the President's senior private secretary Mr Chipoya with great sadness. If indeed these allegations are true, they are extremely unfortunate as our expectations of officials who hold such positions is that they are supposed to be above board and maintain high levels of integrity. We bemoan the allegations that Mr Chipoya could have allegedly sunk so low in accepting to be paid to arrange a meeting with people who publicly have been accused of engaging in activities that are detrimental to the economic wellbeing of Zambia," Lungu said.

He said President Sata's sacking of Chipoya had demonstrated his political will of fighting corruption.

"This approach the President has done demonstrates in practice his political will in fighting corruption and acting against even his closest senior staff. This is a very rare phenomenon as others would have opted to shield such alleged wrong doing," Lungu said.

He urged the government officials to refrain from engaging in corrupt activities.

"The President's action also indeed sends the rightful signals to investors who believe in cutting corners that the rule of law in Zambia is being fairly and firmly being implemented," Lungu said.

He appealed to President Sata to remain resolute and not be swayed in the fight against corruption.

"This action has great potential for government officials not to engage in dark-corner meetings or deals or conduct that promotes corruption that is against public interest as the current government has now sent a clear signal that they can be dealt with very appropriate action instantly. We encourage the President and PF government to remain resolute and not to be swayed in the fight against corruption," said Lungu.

President Sata last week fired Chipoya for alleged corruption.

Sources disclosed that Chipoya was relieved of his duties after he tried to facilitate a meeting between President Sata and former operators of the Zambia Revenue Authority border scanners.

Last week the government terminated the contracts given to Bradwell International and Cargo Scan to manage border scanners.

This was after the ZRA Commission of Inquiry recommended that appropriate action be taken against former president Rupiah Banda and 13 former government officials for the fraudulent procurements regarding the border scanners and concession-related contracts.

Sources said officials from the companies tried to arrange for a meeting with President Sata last week, through Chipoya, so that they could explain their position and possibly seek a reversal.

According to the sources, the officials convinced Chipoya to arrange for the meeting and even promised him some money.

The source said that on Wednesday last week, Chipoya was sent a sealed envelope containing US$2,000 (K10 million) from the officials as gratification for facilitating the meeting with the President.

According to the sources, the envelope instead found itself with President Sata, who immediately relieved Chipoya of his duties.

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