
Monday, January 23, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) Thai minister admits Mugabe facilitation

COMMENT - the honest headline should read: "US government puts Thai citizen on sanctions list for violating their decade long economic embargo of Zimbabwe." They are not satisfied until they get the Zimbabwe people's diamonds. 'Admits Mugabe facilitation'? What does that mean? Since when is it a crime for a Thai citizen to have business or social relations with the president of a sovereign country?

Thai minister admits Mugabe facilitation
23/01/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

A NEWLY appointed Thai minister has rejected calls to step down following alleged business connections with President Robert Mugabe and subsequent financial sanctions by the United States.

Nalinee Taveesin called a press conference Sunday and denied having any business connections with President Mugabe and his wife, Grace but admitted they were good friends. She told reporters she was introduced to the Zimbabwean leader and his wife in 2002.

She admitted that over the years she has acted as a liaison officer for the Zimbabwean president and his wife during their many visits to Thailand and helped coordinate and provide advice to their family members who pursued their studies in the country.

"Our relations have grown socially, not for business purposes," she said.
"I have never imagined that friendship will have adverse effects on me, especially when I've decided to enter politics."

The US government slapped Mugabe and his family members, as well as those accused of aiding them with sanctions more than a decade ago citing alleged human rights abuses and electoral fraud.

The US Treasury Department included Taveesin on the sanctions list in November 2008 claiming she had facilitated a number of financial, real estate, and gem-related transactions on behalf of Mugabe's wife Grace.

The action culminated in the freezing of her US-based assets and a ban from financial or commercial transactions with US citizens.

Taveesin said she did not have any assets in the US and insisted the sanctions would not affect her work in government after joining cabinet during a recent reshuffle.

"The sanctions are political measures. It has nothing to do with criminal violations," she said.

"To put it simply, it means that American people can't do business with me and I am prohibited from holding assets in the US.

"The sanctions cover only American citizens. They have nothing to do with people of other countries and their governments."

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