
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

President Sata advised to keep up momentum in corruption fight

President Sata advised to keep up momentum in corruption fight
By Abraham Kalito
Wed 15 Feb. 2012, 12:01 CAT

CORRUPT government officials are currently scared of President Michael Sata's heightened anti-corruption tone but may resume practicing the vice if they get used to him, says a catholic priest of Eastern Province.

Fr Kwaku Mwanza said President Sata should not scale down his continued crusade against graft to ensure the country did not lose the current momentum.

"I wouldn't categorically say that his President Sata fight against corruption is based on intimidation," said Fr Mwanza who is also station manager for Radio Maria in Chipata.

"The President does not intimidate people but the truth is that people especially wrong-doers are afraid of the President. Time will come when they will get used to him and they will get back to the vice."

Fr Mwanza urged the government and President Sata to continue fighting corrupt.

"This fight against corruption will cleanse the people from their evil," he said. "So, it corruption fight should be based on the rule of law only. We shouldn't hear people calling each other ‘thief' unless there is evidence to show that someone stole."

Fr Mwanza said President Sata's heightened corruption fight needed checks and balances to ensure it remain on track and based on the principle of the rule of law.

Fr Mwanza said the Church was "the voice of the poor and the government and other stakeholders need to pay attention to what the clergy say."

"When we say this, it doesn't mean that we are against the fight against corruption," said Fr Mwanza.

"Our job is to build moral life so we are in line with what the government is doing. Actually we commend the government for the job they are doing in fighting corruption."

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