
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sata's allegations against Daka are false - Namulambe

Sata's allegations against Daka are false - Namulambe
By Christopher Miti and Roy Habaalu in Msanzala
Wed 15 Feb. 2012, 12:01 CAT

PETER Daka says he has no time responding to President Michael Sata's allegations that he is hiding vehicles and bicycles in Malawi. In an interview yesterday, Daka, who sounded angry, said he would not talk to any media institution over the matter.

"Yes, yes, no! I am not speaking to anybody on this. Call honourable (Gabriel) Namulambe," said Daka before cutting the line. Subsequent phone calls proved futile as Daka kept cutting the line. But Namulambe dismissed as false President Sata's allegations.

During a campaign rally in Nyamphande and Ukwimi on Monday, President Sata said Daka had hidden an undisclosed number of vehicles and bicycles in Malawi.

He alleged that Daka was also moving with huge amounts of money in the boot of his vehicle.

But Namulambe who started by laughing said many things were said about Jesus when he was being crucified.

"When Jesus was being crucified so many things were said against him but after he died, that's when people realised that they have killed the Son of God and then they regretted. All allegations that were made against him were proved to be false. That's my answer. Just write what I have told you; don't add, don't subtract," said Namulambe.

He said the campaigns were going on well and that the electorate were able to choose a person that would represent them.

Namulambe said the MMD had over 80 per cent chances of scooping the seat.

And PF candidate Col Joseph Lungu said he does not regret resigning and joining the ruling party.

Col Lungu said he was not worried about losing because he had done his homework.

"I will never ever regret. I can't regret I know what I have done on the ground. It's not possible for me to lose. I thumped political parties that had money and materials what more now that I belong to a party," said Col Lungu.

PF campaign manager Edgar Lungu said Daka was going round gathering evidence to petition the outcome of the election.

"Peter Daka is losing convincingly. He's an alarmist peddling lies and such people have no place in modern politics. He wants us to play in his politics of violence but I will preserve the law and uphold the dignity of our campaign," said Lungu.

Meanwhile, UNIP candidate Shadreck Banda had blamed his opponents for shunning a meeting organised by the police to look at peace ahead of the by-election.

The Msanzala seat fell vacant after Col Lungu resigned as an independent candidate.

Voting opens at 06:00 hours tomorrow and results are expected to be announced in the early hours of Friday.

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