
Saturday, February 18, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) EU says keen on ‘serious political dialogue’

COMMENT - With the release of Zimbabwe's diamonds onto the international markets, the EU is partially lifting it's own sanctions on some companies/people in Zimbabwe. For a full treatment of the extent and nature of economic sanctions that destroyed the Zimbabwe dollar and economy, in order to make the people of Zimbabwe so miserable that they would vote for the MDC, the Zimbabwean version of the TEA Party, read more below.

EU says keen on ‘serious political dialogue’
17/02/2012 00:00:00
by Gilbert Nyambabvu

THE European Union (EU) said Friday it is keen for “serious political dialogue” with Zimbabwe as it announced a partial easing of sanctions imposed on the country more than a decade ago over allegations of rights abuses and electoral fraud.

EU Foreign Affairs chief Catherine Ashton said visa restrictions on Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa and his foreign affairs counterpart, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, had been suspended to facilitate the dialogue. “The EU reaffirms its desire to engage in a serious political dialogue with Zimbabwe,” Ashton said in a statement.

“To facilitate this process we have also suspended travel restrictions on the two Zanu PF members of the Zimbabwean Ministerial Re-engagement Team so that the full team can come to Brussels for high-level consultations.”

During a recent meeting, principals to the coalition government urged the country’s EU re-engagement committee to re-approach the 27-nation organisation over the sanctions which Zanu PF blames for the country’s economic problems.

[Not 'merely' the ZANU-PF. Anyone with two working braincells can understand that putting the government on a credit freeze - Section 4C of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 - for a decade is detrimental to the economy. The date of introduction of ZDERA (Jan.1 2002) coincides with the acceleration of the decline of the Zimbabwe Dollar against the US dollar during 2002, when it declined more in 2002 than in the 6 years before, combined. ZDERA came into force on Jan 1, 2002. Only a coward still denies the existence or impact of economic sanctions on the Zimbabwean economy. Ironically, it was ZDERA co-sponsor and so-called 'progressive' Russ Feingold, who tried to extend the credit freeze of the Zimbabwean government beyond ten years, by introducing the Zimbabwe Transition to Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2010, which through Section 4D (Multilateral Financing Conditions) attempted to extend the credit freeze on the Government of Zimbabwe (quote from ZTDERA Sec 4D: "The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States executive director to each international financial institution to oppose any extension by the respective institution of any loan, credit, or guarantee to the Government of Zimbabwe..."). Just as puzzling, ironically, it was the hardline Republican senator Jim Inhofe who tried to get this financial isolation lifted, by introducing the Zimbabwe Sanctions Repeal Act of 2010. The Inhofe bill states:

(25) Section 4(c) of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 specifically directs the United States Executive Director to each international financial institution to oppose and vote against any extension by the institution of any loan, credit, or guarantee to the Government of Zimbabwe or any cancellation or reduction of indebtedness owed by the Government of Zimbabwe to the United States or any international financial institution.

(26) In order to restore fully the economy of Zimbabwe and assist in the process of transition to democracy, the sanctions imposed under the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 and burdening the power-sharing government in Zimbabwe must be repealed. "

So clearly it is not merely the ZANU-PF who says so. A fact that Tendai Biti (Finance Minister, MDC) explains (4:40 onwards) and other MDC members in the Wikileaks Cables are on record of complaining about the impact of economic sanctions on the economy. - MrK]

The committee comprises representatives of the MDC formations Tendai Biti, Elton Mangoma, Priscilla Misihairabwi, Moses Mzila Ndlovu as well as Chinamasa and Mumbengegwi.

Meanwhile, the EU said the decision to remove 51 individuals and 20 entities from the sanctions list represented “the most significant amendment to the EU measures since they were introduced in 2002”.

“Whilst we note that the overall situation in Zimbabwe has improved, further political reforms in accordance with the commitments in the GPA are necessary for a democratic and peaceful Zimbabwe,” Ashton said.

“The EU remains ready to reconsider the measures at any time in response to concrete progress in the implementation of the GPA and the preparation of credible and peaceful elections.

“Such elections should allow the creation of a Government reflecting the freely expressed wishes of the people of Zimbabwe. The EU will recognise and work with any government formed as the result of such a process.”

However, the list of those cleared does not include security service chiefs or key members of President Robert Mugabe’s inner circle.

“112 individuals and 11 entities who are still considered to be involved in or associated with policies and activities that undermine human rights, democracy and the rule of law will remain subject to the measures,” the EU said in its statement.

Predictably, Zanu PF was not enthused by the development and demanded that the EU scrap all the sanctions.

"The whole sanctions regime is illegal and racist, and we are not going to celebrate decisions meant to patronise us while they act as lords over our political affairs," party spokesman, Rugare Gumbo – who was cleared – told Reuters.

"It's very tragic that the EU is still being used by some of its members, principally Britain, in pursuing a neo-colonial agenda to remove Zanu PF from power."

Zanu PF claims the sanctions were imposed as punishment for its controversial land reforms and blames them for the country’s near-economic collapse over the last decade.

The party has refused to make further concessions under the Global Political Agreement (GPA), accusing its coalition partners of not doing enough to have the sanctions removed.

The following individuals have been removed from the European Union sanctions list:

· Barwe, Reuben 3
· Bredenkamp, John Arnold 5
· Chimbudzi, Alice 15
· Chimedza, Paul 16
· Chimutengwende, Chenhamo Chekezha 17
· Chinamasa, Monica 18
· Chiremba, Mirirai 24
· Chitakunye, Eliphas 25
· Chiwenga, Jocelyn 27
· Chiwewe, Willard 29
· Chiwese, George 28
· Deketeke, Pikirayi 31
· Dube, Tshinga Judge 33
· Gumbo, Rugare Eleck Ngidi 36
· Hungwe, Josaya (a.k.a. Josiah) Dunira 39
· Hungwe, Josaya (a.k.a. Josiah) Dunira 39
· Huni, Munyaradzi 40
· Karimanzira, David Ishemunyoro Godi 43
· Kazembe, Joyce Laetitia 46
· Kereke, Munyaradzi 47
· Mahoso, Tafataona 58
· Makwanya, Judith 59
· Makwavarara, Sekesai 60
· Manyonda, Kenneth Vhundukai 63
· Matanyaire, Munyaradzi 67
· Mavhaire, Dzikamai 72
· Mbiriri, Partson 73
· Mombeshora, Millicent Sibongile 79
· Moyo, July Gabarari 82
· Muchechetere, Happison 88
· Mudzvova, Paul 96
· Mugabe, Leo 98
· Mujuru, Solomon T.R. 101
· Mukosi, Musoro Wegomo 102
· Mumbengegwi, Samuel Creighton 104
· Mutasa, Gertrude 110
· Mutasa, Justin Mutsawehuni 111
· Mutiwekuziva, Kenneth Kaparadza 114
· Muzenda, Tsitsi V. 116
· Muzonzini, Elisha 117
· Ncube, Abedinico 120
· Ndlovu, Sikhanyiso 121
· Nkala, Herbert 124
· Nyawani, Misheck 128
· Patel, Bharat 132
· Rautenbach, Muller Conrad (a.k.a. Billy) 134
· Sakabuya, Morris 138
· Samkange, Nelson Tapera Crispen 140
· Sandi, Eunice Moyo 141
· Shumba, Isaiah Masvayamwando 148
· Utete, Charles 159
· Zvayi, Caesar 163
The following companies have been removed from European Union sanctions:

· Alpha International (PVT) Ltd 1
· Breco (Asia Pacific) Ltd 2
· Breco (Eastern Europe) Ltd 3
· Breco (South Africa) Ltd 4
· Breco (UK) Ltd 5
· Breco Group 6
· Breco International 7
· Breco Nominees Ltd 8
· Breco Services Ltd 9
· Corybantes Ltd 12
· Echo Delta Holdings 14
· Masters International Ltd 18
· Ndlovu Motorways 19
· Piedmont (UK) Ltd 21
· Raceview Enterprises 22
· Ridgepoint Overseas Developments Ltd (a.k.a. Ridgepoint Overseas Developments Ltd) 23
· Scottlee Holdings (PVT) Ltd 24
· Scottlee Resorts Ltd 25
· Timpani Export Ltd 27
· Tremalt Ltd 28

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