
Saturday, February 18, 2012

(TALKZIMBABWE) 51 Zimbabweans removed from EU sanctions list

51 Zimbabweans removed from EU sanctions list
Posted by By Our reporter at 18 February, at 15 : 15 PM

THE European Union has removed 51 people, including journalists and politicians, and 20 companies from the Zimbabwe sanctions list. Attorney-General Johannes Tomana and a team of legal experts in October 2011 mounted a lawsuit against the EU challenging the sanctions.

The suit is now pending at the European Court of First Instance. The United Nations Security Council refused to ratify them, effectively making them illegal under international law.

The bloc will also write to President Mugabe this weekend to facilitate serious re-engagement with Zimbabwe.

EU ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Aldo Dell’Ariccia said this yesterday while announcing the extension of the illegal economic sanctions on Zimbabwe by six months.

He said the EU had also suspended travel restrictions against Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and Justice and Legal Affairs Minister Patrick Chinamasa to enable the proposed dialogue to take place effectively.

“The European Commission and Council are also informing the President of Zimbabwe, President Mugabe, that the EU wishes to invite Zimbabwe to an intensified political dialogue,” he said.

“In order to define further steps of normalising relations between EU and Zimbabwe, the EU has lifted the travel ban to two Zanu-PF ministers.

“This is a decision that has been taken, which is of immediate application and a letter will be sent to President Mugabe informing him of the decision.”

A six-member committee was set up at the formation of the inclusive Government to spearhead dialogue to normalise relations between EU and Zimbabwe, but its efforts were frustrated by reluctance on the part of the Europeans.

Minister Chinamasa was held up at Frankfurt International Airport for over eight hours on his way to Belgium for the talks over visa issues on two occasions.

Other members of the committee include Finance Minister Tendai Biti, Energy and Power Development Minister Elton Mangoma (both MDC-T) and Regional Integration and International Cooperation Minister Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga and Organ of National Healing co-chair Moses Mzila Ndlovu (both MDC).

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said the removal of individuals from the sanctions list was in light of developments in the country.

“It (EU) also welcomes progress made towards the creation of a conducive environment for the holding of free, fair, peaceful and transparent elections through the development of the roadmap sponsored by Sadc.

“It pays tribute to the efforts of Sadc and the South African facilitator (President Jacob Zuma) in accompanying the Zimbabwean people along that road,” she said.

Those removed from the list are General Solomon Mujuru and former Harare Governor David Karimanzira, who are both late.

The two were declared national heroes and are interred at the National Heroes Acre.

Mr Dell’Ariccia attributed the removal of the journalists to improvements in the media, though analysts say this could be a pre-emptive measure to kill the lawsuit lodged by the six in the Supreme Court challenging the legality of the embargo and suing for damages.

When non-constituency Senator Aguy Georgias sued the EU in the British High court, he became part of the 37 individuals who were struck off the sanctions list in 2011.

Sen Georgias described the move as a pre-emptive strike on his lawsuit and pledged to press on with the suit.

Media personalities who were struck off the sanctions list include Zimbabwe Newspapers group editor-in-chief Pikirayi Deketeke, Herald deputy editor Caesar Zvayi, Sunday Mail assistant editor Munyaradzi Huni, ZBH chief executive Happison Muchechetere, chief correspondent Reuben Barwe, diplomatic correspondent Judith Makwanya, and freelancer Musorowegomo Mukosi.

Also struck off the list are Zimpapers board chairman Dr Paul Chimedza and group chief executive Mr Justin Mutasa as well as Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe chairman Dr Tafataona Mahoso.

The embargo that was imposed on Zimbabwe, a decade ago, for embarking on the land reform programme to resettle the landless majority, has brought untold suffering to ordinary citizens.

This also blocked local business from accessing lines of credit from international financiers.

Over 2,2 million Zimbabweans countrywide signed the National Anti-Sanctions Petition launched by President Mugabe in March last year.

The launch drew thousands people from all walks of life.

Sadc, Comesa, the African Union, the Non Aligned Movement and other progressive people and organisations the world over have denounced the illegal sanctions, which precipitated the economic meltdown of the past decade.

Name (and any aliases) and Number in Council

Decision 2011/101/CFSP

Barwe, Reuben 3
Bredenkamp, John Arnold 5
Chimbudzi, Alice 15
Chimedza, Paul 15
Chimutengwende, Chenhamo Chekezha 17
Chinamasa, Monica 18
Chiremba, Mirirai 24
Chitakunye, Eliphas 25
Chiwenga, Jocelyn 27
Chiwewe, Willard 29
Chiwese, George 28
Deketeke, Pikirayi 31
Dube, Tshinga Judge 33
Gumbo, Rugare Eleck Ngidi 36
Hungwe, Josaya (a.k.a. Josiah) Dunira 39
Huni, Munyaradzi 40
Karimanzira, David Ishemunyoro Godi 43
Kazembe, Joyce Laetitia 46
Kereke, Munyaradzi 47
Mahoso, Tafataona 58
Makwanya, Judith 59
Makwavarara, Sekesai 60
Manyonda, Kenneth Vhundukai 63
Matanyaire, Munyaradzi 67
Mavhaire, Dzikamai 72
Mbiriri, Partson 73
Mombeshora, Millicent Sibongile 79
Moyo, July Gabarari 82
Muchechetere, Happison 88
Mudzvova, Paul 96
Mugabe, Leo 98
Mujuru, Solomon TR 101
Mukosi, Musoro Wegomo 102
Mumbengegwi, Samuel Creighton 104
Mutasa, Gertrude 110
Mutasa, Justin Mutsawehuni 111
Mutiwekuziva, Kenneth Kaparadza 114
Muzenda, Tsitsi V. 116
Muzonzini, Elisha 117
Ncube, Abedinico 120
Ndlovu, Sikhanyiso ` 121
Nkala, Herbert 124
Nyawani, Misheck 128
Patel, Bharat 132
Rautenbach, Muller Conrad (a.k.a. Billy 134
Sakabuya, Morris 138
Samkange, Nelson Tapera Crispen 140
Sandi, Eunice Moyo 141
Shumba, Isaiah Masvayamwando 148
Utete, Charles 159
Zvayi, Caesar 163

Name (and any aliases) and Number in Council decision 2011/101/CFSP
Alpha International (Pvt) Ltd 1
Breco (Asia Pacifi) Ltd 2
Breco (Eastern Europe) Ltd 3
Breco (South Africa) Ltd 4
Breco (UK) Ltd 5

Breco Group 6

Breco International 7
Breco Nominees Ltd 8
Breco Services Ltd 9
Corybantes Ltd 12
Echo Delta Holdings 14
Masters Inernational Ltd 18
Ndlovu Motorways 19
Piedmont (UK) Ltd 21
Raceview Enterprises 22
Ridgepoint Overseases Developments Ltd (a.k.a Ridgepoint Overseas Developments Ltd) 23
Scottle Holdings (Pvt) Ltd 24
Scottlee Resorts Ltd 25
Timpani Export Ltd 27
Tremalt Ltd 28

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