Sunday, March 04, 2012

Cabinet to give position on Rupiah's entitlements

Cabinet to give position on Rupiah's entitlements
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 04 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says Cabinet will soon give a position regarding former president Rupiah Banda's entitlements and benefits.

According to a statement from his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah, President Sata said the law relating to the pension and other benefits conferred on a former Head of State by the benefits of former presidents Act Cap. 15 of the Laws of Zambia as amended by Act No. 21 of 1998 and the circumstances under which the said entitlements and benefits can be withdrawn was irrefutably clear.

"Therefore, in view of the fact that Mr Banda has continued to play an active role in politics under the party which he leads, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD), the matter of his continued entitlement to draw benefits from the State will be tabled before Cabinet for a decision shortly," President Sata said.

Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini on Thursday ruled that Banda had been abrogating the benefits for presidents Act by continuing to engage in active politics and told Parliament that the onus of forfeiting his emoluments and other benefits he was entitled to, was on the Executive.

The Speaker's ruling followed a point of order raised by Chongwe member of parliament Sylvia Masebo on the government's failure to implement the law in relation to Banda over his continued involvement in active party politics.

Dr Matibini ruled that the legislation on benefits and conditions which apply for one to benefit as a former president was very clear.

And information minister Fackson Shamenda, who is also chief government spokesperson, said the government will begin working out modalities to stop supporting Banda.

Shamenda said the government would soon start working-out mechanisms to remove Banda even from the payroll.

Meanwhile, President Sata has terminated the contract of Samuel Chibuye, the director general of the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA).

"I have found it expedient in terms of public interest to terminate your contract of employment with immediate effect. I wish to thank you most sincerely for the services you have rendered during your tenure from 19th April, 2009," read President Sata's letter to Mr Chibuye in part.

The President wished Chibuye success in his future endeavours.

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