Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Government should be careful in fight against corruption - Kunda

COMMENT - Message to George Kunda: a) Zambia is a Democracy, we are SUPPOSED to know how government works and b) enjoy your freedom while you have it. What a corrupt little ******.

Government should be careful in fight against corruption - Kunda
By Moses Kuwema
Tue 06 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

GEORGE Kunda says the government should be careful in its fight against corruption because it may end up revealing state secrets. Featuring on Yatsani Radio yesterday, Kunda, who is Muchinga MMD member of parliament and former vice-president, said it was important to protect government institutions.

"We have to protect the vice-presidency. It does not matter who takes over. Guy Scott has taken over. Mr Sata has taken over. We have to protect institutions. That is very important. But in the fight against corruption, we may end up destroying some of those institutions. We will be revealing state secrets. We will be revealing how the Vice-President's office operates, how the President's office operates, and things like that in the name of fighting corruption. You don't do that," he said.

"There are certain things which we hold dear as Zambians, where we have secrets which protect this country. Myself for example, I acted as president for this country several times, with the instruments of power. I must be responsible enough not to destroy my country and to protect individuals and the country so that we move as one, not what they are doing," said Kunda.

And on calls to have former president Rupiah Banda's immunity removed, Kunda said that was a dangerous thing to do.

"It's a very dangerous thing. We have to look at….where else does this occur? Is this a common feature that whenever you change government, the immunity must be lifted? Then what, for example, is the point of Mr Sata and his family enjoying immunity? What's the point?" he asked.

Kunda said President Sata would be making a lot of life and death decisions.

"You know that position President, Mr Sata will be making lot of decisions of life and death, he has got five years. There are a lot of people who are using his name to do wrong things at the end of the day, everybody will come and say no, it's Mr Sata. So we need to protect that office. That office is under pressure, I am telling you," said Kunda.

Meanwhile, Kunda said he has not interest of serving in the PF government but would rather play a statesman role.

This was after the moderator of the programme Maybin Katungulu asked Kunda if he would agree to be appointed to work in government.

"No! I can't agree to work in government. I would rather give chance to the PF leaders to have a feel of leadership. I have no interest whatsoever but of course I must play a statesman role. I would like to withdraw into that," said Kunda.

Kunda has asked the government to give the former leaders in MMD some breathing space.

He said it was unfair to brand the MMD a corrupt party because it was usually the same politicians that crossed from one camp to another.

"To brand the MMD a corrupt party is not fair. It's the same politicians who are changing camps but if they go to PF, then they stop investigating them," he said.

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