Monday, March 05, 2012

Only MMD NEC can suspend me - Muteteka

Only MMD NEC can suspend me - Muteteka
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 05 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

MMD Chisamba member of parliament Moses Muteteka says it is only the National Executive Committee of the party which can suspend him and not an individual. Responding to his letter of suspension from MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe, Muteteka stated that his perusal of the party constitution revealed that only the NEC could suspend a NEC member and not an individual.

"Refer to the MMD constitution; article 19 section (L) and (N), which was violated in this case. In view of the aforesaid, I challenge the national chairman to furnish me with the NEC meeting minutes which discussed and resolved my suspension as per our MMD party constitution," Muteteka stated.

And on the charges that have been levelled against him such as the contravention of the provisions of the party constitution, regulations, rules, orders or decisions, Muteteka stated that the allegation was not specific as the dates when the interviews and press statement were issued were not precise.

On the second charge which is insubordination to senior party organs or officials, Muteteka denied being insubordinate to senior party organs or officials.

"…I am an elected member of the National Executive Committee (NEC), which is the highest party organ and as such, I do not understand which other party organ I have been insubordinate to apart from the National Executive Committee where I belong," Muteteka stated.

He stated that all the statements that he has been making were made in his personal capacity as a citizen of Zambia.

"I wish to remind you that on December 15, 2008, Monday, The Post Newspaper carried a story headlined ‘Rupiah Banda's Leadership failing'. By then Mr Rupiah Banda was a Republican president, what action did you take and how different is it democratically today?" Muteteka wondered.

On his third charge which is that of conduct likely to bring the name of the party into contempt, ridicule or disrepute, Muteteka stated that his demand for Banda to relinquish power without waiting for the convention was premised on the desire to the former head of state enjoy his retirement peacefully and religiously without being attacked constitutionally by members of the public.

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