Sunday, March 04, 2012

Leadership must be accountable throughout its tenure - Chipimo

COMMENT - The PF needs to reach out to the Diaspora and locally, in order to put together national development plans that can be implemented immediately. They also need to explain why they refuse to collect $1.5 billion from the mines, which includes 0.4 billion in dividends not paid out to ZCCM-IH. Time to start trusting the right people. Donche kubeba time is over.

Leadership must be accountable throughout its tenure - Chipimo
By Masuzyo Chakwe and Moses Kuwema
Sun 04 Mar. 2012, 11:59 CAT

EVERY leadership must be accountable to its people throughout the tenure of its administration and not only at the time of elections, states Elias Chipimo. The National Restoration Party president stated in a press release that over the last few weeks, NAREP had become increasingly concerned about the direction the country was taking. He stated that citizens' expectations of the new administration were high and reasonable.

"Jobs for our youth; decent infrastructure in our communities; empowerment for our local businessmen and businesswomen; improved access to quality healthcare for all; stability and predictability in our governance; a reduction of corruption; access to quality education and opportunity in every part of our country…," he stated.

"These expectations are founded on promises that were generously handed out to a population that was tired of lies and broken promises - a population that now demands solutions to address the deep and pressing needs that far too many of our people have been facing for far too long. If not handled carefully, these expectations may result in our own version of the Arab spring."

He stated that the expectations of the people would never be fulfilled by appointing endless series of commissions that to date had gobbled nearly K4 billion of unbudgeted expenditure while water and sanitation problems persist at tertiary institutions throughout the nation.

"…And mothers in high density communities are forced to draw their daily supplies of water from stagnant streams that pose a serious health hazard," he stated.

Chipimo (right) stated that these expectations would never be fulfilled by the constant hiring, firing and reshuffling of ministers and government officials at sizeable and unplanned cost to the Treasury.

"The people want to know: when will all this uncertainty come to an end? When will we stop changing district commissioners? When will we stop making administrative adjustments to our provinces and districts without first consulting and fully engaging with local stakeholders?" he asked.

"When will there be some sort of plan that can unite our nation around tackling the development challenges that are being faced each and every day by ordinary Zambians that just want to have a chance for once to enjoy a decent life?"

Chipimo stated that his party had repeatedly indicated that the President "must engage a strong team of personal advisers at State House to steer the thinking and planning in areas such as political, legal, economic and spiritual".

"As a party that wants to see this nation grow and develop into the country that God always intended for it to be, NAREP does not want to see unrest in our land. But we find ourselves living in a dangerous and delicate time in our history: Our youth are still marginalised by the lack of attention to their desperate cry for work and dignity and our women still face the burden of being the social and economic pillars of our communities," said Chipimo.

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