
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Politics and politicians

Politics and politicians
By The Post
Tue 27 Mar. 2012, 13:00 CAT

BAD, crooked, dishonest and corrupt politicians have done a lot of damage to the standing of politics and politicians. The standing of our politicians today is generally very low. And probably that's why we hear of sayings like 'politics is a dirty game'. But why should politics be a dirty game when the destinies of whole nations are dependent on it?

People are saying all these bad things about politics because dirty people, filthy people, crooked people, dishonest people, corrupt elements have found their way into politics, have become politicians.

Some people find it strange to talk of honest politics since politics is mostly perceived as a dirty game because of opportunistic and incompetent politicians. Such politicians disregard the dignity, rights and freedoms of persons.

This does make politics a dirty game, fit only for crooks, dishonest, selfish and corrupt elements. But politics should be honest and responsible. It is an effective way of serving others and working for the integral development of one's country; it is a genuine way of being at the service of others.

There are people who even say 'if so-and-so is today a politician, a councillor, a member of parliament, a minister of government, I can't be a politician'.

But what happens if politics is left totally in the hands of rotten people because good people don't want to join it, find it dirty? Politics need people with credibility because their presence in the political arena can bring good values and practices to the political process.

If a person has received the necessary talent by the favour of God, that person would fail in his or her duty if for selfish motives the person refuses to take one's share in public life and affairs.

Any person who is qualified to become a political leader is guilty if he or she refuses the task. The apathy of potential political leaders can bring anarchy to the country, by leaving all the responsibility to inefficient or unworthy people.

We have rights and duties as citizens and the love of our country urges us to act accordingly in all justice and charity. Political involvement and demanding expression of the commitment of service to others is cardinal.

Politicians are called to serve the personal and social vocation of humanity according to their areas of competence. Participation in political life must be guided by good values of respect for human dignity, human rights, common good, social justice, solidarity, integral development and social concern for the poor.

A political authority is needed to guide the energies of all towards the common good. And politics is the instrument by which people cooperate together in order to achieve the common good. Therefore, we should never cheat ourselves that we can do without politics and politicians.

We need them. We can't do without them. And because we need them and we can't do without them, then we must make them good. It is our collective duty to ensure that we have got good politicians at every level of governance. Yes, we must despise and discard the bad ones.

But we must also promote the good ones and keep them. Yes, we have many bad, dishonest, incompetent, crooked and corrupt politicians. But we also have some very good, honest and committed politicians.

What we should bear in mind is that in any discipline, there are people who pursue it with honour and with decency and there are people who don't. To say that all politicians are bad, crooked, selfish, dishonest and corrupt, are terrible people is not quite accurate or fair.

What we must be seeking are politicians who are known for their honesty, ability and concern for the welfare of all. What we should be seeking are leaders who see themselves as servants and not masters of the people.

A person chosen for political responsibility as a leader must always be made to remember, if he or she can't remember on his or her own, that he or she is simply a servant or steward entrusted to offer humble service to others as opposed to owning power or the people he or she is serving.

The owner of authority and people is God. Our politicians, therefore, should be made accountable to the people who chose them and should always be made to work for the common good.

We shouldn't also forget that the challenge of bringing about justice and peace in our country consists in good administration of our public affairs and the economy by our politicians.

We therefore should encourage and promote saintly politicians who profoundly love their own people and wish to serve rather than to be served. Competent and honest citizens are encouraged to participate in the politics of our country at all levels so that they do good in society.

Remember, we are told that where there is no leadership the people fall, a nation will fall if it has no guidance (Proverbs 11:14).

The proper role of politicians is to serve the people. And they do this by creating opportunities that benefit all citizens without discrimination. We should therefore be concerned with the way our politicians lead us and administer public affairs.

In a democracy political leaders are chosen by the people and for the people, and such politicians should view themselves as representatives of the people at all levels. And as such, these politicians should listen to the people, respect the people and work for the welfare of all the people.

They have a duty to fight against injustice and devote themselves to the welfare of all. Their authority as political leaders is exercised legitimately if it is committed to the common good of all society and is exercised with care.

The power they hold as politicians must have as its aim the achievement of the common good. And the best way for a politician to fulfil his or her obligations of justice and love is to contribute to the common good.

This is so because the common good is the reason for the existence of all political institutions in our country. It enables people to express commitment and concern for each other as well as attain the fullness of love.

Common good calls upon all persons to contribute and commit themselves responsibly to building a peaceful and just society for all. This happens when we encourage our people, the best of our sons and daughters, to participate with all their talents and abilities in the politics of their country.

We should stop looking at politics as a dirty game. Such a very important undertaking can't be dirty. Yes, there are dirty politicians who can make politics dirty but let's isolate them and exclude them from the political leadership of our country so that our politics retains its necessary nobility.

And let's not cheat ourselves that being a politician is an easy undertaking. It isn't. Being a politician, a good politician, a responsible politician is one of the most difficult tasks in today's world.

And whenever we have some good and responsible politicians, let's celebrate their presence in our politics and give thanks to the Almighty for their presence.

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