
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Use politics to improve service delivery, says Mucheleka

Use politics to improve service delivery, says Mucheleka
By Moses Kuwema
Tue 27 Mar. 2012, 12:58 CAT

LUBANSENSHI independent member of parliament Patrick Mucheleka says the country must strive and ensure that it uses politics as a means of enhancing service delivery. In an interview, Mucheleka said contrary to public perception that politics was a dirty game, it could be used to actually serve humanity.

"It is us politicians who are supposed to ensure that when we go into politics, we should use it as an opportunity to serve humanity in different areas based on our capacities as individuals. We must be seen to be adding value and that must be seen in the manner we conduct ourselves," Mucheleka said.

Mucheleka said politics was sometimes deemed dirty because of the way politicians conduct themselves.

"We should use politics to serve. You do not go into politics because you want to benefit. The biggest motivation for all of us should be to go into politics in order to serve humanity. We should add value to politics in the manner we execute our duties depending on the various capacities we serve in," he said.

He said the country must be able to grow in terms of the kind of politics that individuals engaged in.

Mucheleka said much as people may differ in political opinions, they should be able to engage each other in a civil way.

"We have a responsibility as politicians, working with civil society organisations, in educating our people that politics is indeed not a dirty game. We can add value to politics in the manner we carry ourselves," he said.

Mucheleka said politics had been perceived to be a dirty game because some people go into politics for personal reasons.

He said politics could be used as a platform to lobby and advocate for service delivery to the people, especially in a country like Zambia where resources were scarce.

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