Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rupiah's resignation overdue - Kabimba

Rupiah's resignation overdue - Kabimba
By Kombe Chimpinde
Sun 18 Mar. 2012, 12:00 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba says Rupiah Banda's resignation from active politics was long overdue as he had done more harm than good to the country. And Kabimba says the shortcomings of the MMD must serve as a lesson for the PF government.

Commenting on former president Banda's farewell speech after he officially resigned from MMD and active politics on Thursday in which he said he felt he was being persecuted by the current government through corruption-related investigations, Kabimba, who is PF secretary general, said Banda made very little contribution to the nation.

"Banda had misunderstood the role of a Head of State. He thought that a head of state was elected to go around globetrotting. I don't see that with even other heads of state in the region," Kabimba said.

"Banda was just on a honeymoon all the time, this is why Zambians showed him the door so that their money may be used for development."

Kabimba said Banda would still be leading the country had he made significant contribution to the country.

"Public life is about service of the majority of the people, not your cronies or those that worship you. That's not what public life is all about. Banda worried about the people that were surrounding him than about the welfare of the people of Zambia," he said.

"How can travelling be a major occupation of a Head of State?"

And Kabimba reminded Banda that the PF's quest to trace all those that stole from Zambians through abuse of their offices was irreversible.

"We will not stop doing the right thing just because we ourselves may fall into the temptation of doing wrong things," he said.

"He was doing wrong things with his team. We can't use that to justify our desire to pursue the wrong things that Banda and former colleagues did when they were in office or for fear that we may fall in similar things and others will pursue us in future."

Kabimba said the demand by Zambians that former corrupt leaders who served in the MMD be brought to book was very clear.

"The people of Zambia demanded that those that have stolen, those that have engaged in corruption must be brought to book and that demand is very clear and we want to rise to that challenge," he said.

Kabimba said the PF was aware that in doing so, they would equally be a setting a stage for them to be scrutinised while they were in power.
"People must learn that one must not go in government to enrich oneself. We are preaching against corruption even in our party today…," Kabimba said.

Addressing journalists at his residence in new Kasama on Thursday, Banda said the PF government was persecuting an innocent person.

"…I do feel that I am being persecuted but again the beauty about persecution is that it hurts the one persecuting you…if I don't sleep because my family is being persecuted, I am sure even those who are planning for me not sleep even themselves…and I am an old man, I should know that's what life is all about. Even themselves it must worry them because persecution means attacking somebody who is innocent, so they themselves it should affect them," said Banda.

And Kabimba said the PF was cognizant of the need not to fall in the trap that Banda and his allies fell in, which saw their defeat from power in the September 20, 2011 general elections.

"We ought to develop a cohesive organisation that is held by norms and values that can generate confidence in our people and I am sure that the lesson is not only for MMD, it is also for the PF leadership, including our party President," said Kabimba.

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