
Monday, April 02, 2012

MMD risks losing relevance - MP

MMD risks losing relevance - MP
By Roy Habaalu
Mon 02 Apr. 2012, 12:58 CAT

MMD Solwezi Central member of parliament Lucky Mulusa says the party in its current form risks losing political relevance. In an interview, Mulusa said there seemed to be an unholy alliance between the MMD leadership in Parliament and the Patriotic Front (PF) government.

He said MMD needed courageous and focused members of parliament to lead the party in Parliament. He said the relaxed attitude by Felix Mutati as leader of the opposition in Parliament stifles progressive debates meant to assist the government.

"It's therefore not surprising that over 25 MMD members of parliament have signed a petition seeking the removal of Hon Mutati as leader of the opposition in Parliament. His only achievement so far was winning the election as leader of the opposition. It's clear that if he was to ascend to the leadership of MMD as president, the same inertia, lack of vision, ingenuity and inability to stand up and guide where PF was going wrong will actually kill the party," he said.

Mulusa, who has declared his intentions to contest the party vice-presidency, said it would be unfortunate for the MMD to have a weak president as it had a role to play in projecting Zambia as a flourishing democratic state.

"Those offering themselves for the MMD leadership should undertake a self reflection and convince themselves that indeed they have what it takes to lead Zambia to where it should be in terms of realising that the wealth of the nation is indeed trapped into the local economy to achieve economic development beyond economic growth," said Mulusa.

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