
Monday, April 02, 2012

Robiana's problem a tip of the iceberg - Longwe

Robiana's problem a tip of the iceberg - Longwe
By Agness Changala
Mon 02 Apr. 2012, 12:59 CAT

GENDER activist Sara Longwe says the problem of 24-year-old Robiana Muteka is a tip of the iceberg of how many Zambians have huge medical complications that are not being attended to.

Commenting on the successful removal of a 14.5 kilogramme tumour from Muteka's back by the Zambian medical team of experts, Longwe wondered why the doctors had to wait for Muteka's problem to become a danger to his life for it to be attended to.

She also said the country must get back to systems and sanity of following procedures which are people-centred.

"There are people who have huge medical social problems that are not being taken care of," Longwe said.

She said what was needed was a systematic way of diagnosing patients and identifying those with complications so that they are attended to.

Longwe further said there was need to have a system in place where medical personnel attend to people with ailments before they become a danger to their lives.

She said the problem in Zambia was that systems had been ignored and the country was in a situation where it was ‘survival of the fittest'.

Longwe said the country had reached a stage where people could only be attended to if they have connections, a situation she described as undemocratic.

"We need to get back to the basics of democracy, democracy demands that everyone should be heard, should be seen and for this to happen, you must put good systems in place and apply them," said Longwe.

Former permanent secretary in the MMD government Peter Mumba on Friday observed that the successful removal of a tumour from Robiana has embarrassed health providers in Zambia.

He said the biggest problem facing the country's medical delivery was not capacity but attitude.

Mumba, who served in the administration of late president Levy Mwanawasa and former president Rupiah Banda, thanked President Michael Sata for "rescuing Muteka of a huge burden".

"Why did it have to take a directive of the President for our medical team to operate on the young man?" asked Mumba.

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