Sunday, June 17, 2012

Have faith in PF, Scott urges Zambians

Have faith in PF, Scott urges Zambians
By Moses Kuwema in Chama
Sun 17 June 2012, 13:25 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Dr Guy Scott says Zambians should have faith in the PF to see the development that they have been crying for.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on chief Lundu of Chama district on Friday, Vice-President Scott said the PF government was committed to improving the lives of Zambians.

"With faith in us you will see the development that you have been crying for," Vice-President Scott said.

And Vice-President Scott said one of the government's priorities was to restructure the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) because it had become corrupt.
He said ZAWA was serving people in urban areas more as opposed to those in villages.

Vice-President Scott said ZAWA should be able to employ more people in the communities.

And chief Lundu hoped that Vice-President Scott would continue with his visits in the rural parts of the country.

"I wish these visits will continue because it is when you travel that you can get to know what is happening on the ground. Your visit indicates how committed your government is to the development of this country," chief Lundu said.

He said a number of developmental projects that the government had embarked on had brought hope to the Zambian people.

Chief Lundu asked the government to establish a district on the western banks of the Luangwa River.

He also complained about the selection of safari hunters, saying chiefs were not involved and hoped that this would be changed.

Vice-President Scott promised to take up the matter with foreign affairs and tourism minister Given Lubinda.

Later on, Vice-President Scott addressed a public rally at Lundu Basic School where he introduced the PF candidate for the local government by-election in Muchinga ward Moddy Mbulo.

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