
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(HERALD) Court ruling doesn’t spell political doom for Mutambara: Experts

Buy crop now, say cotton farmers
Friday, 08 June 2012 12:00

COTTON growers have urged Government to start buying the crop now, as further delays will result in huge losses. This follows an announcement by the Agricultural Marketing Authority that cotton has been declared a controlled product with immediate effect. This means Government will buy the entire crop.

Zimbabwe Farmers Union executive director, Mr Paul Zakariya, said it was Government’s role to quickly move in and announce prices.

“As we speak, we eagerly await to hear what the next step will be as farmers are still holding on to their crop following our advice,” he said.

Mr Zakariya said the union supported any move aimed at alleviating farmers’ suffering.

“We support any Government initiatives to save farmers and we believe that the Government has assessed all the risks associated with the move,” he said.

Mr Zakariya also implored Government to come up with a long term plan on production of the crop.

“We want long-term planning in terms of how cotton is going to be produced in the country.

“Growers should not get stranded by lack of funding and we hope Government is working on this,” he said.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president, Mr Donald Khumalo, urged Government to always protect farmers’ interests. — Herald Reporter/New Ziana.

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