
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

KK proud of Sata and his government

KK proud of Sata and his government
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 13 June 2012, 13:24 CAT

DR Kenneth Kaunda says he is proud of President Michael Sata and his government regarding the manner they are running the affairs of the country. Dr Kaunda made the remarks yesterday when Seychelles founding president Sir James Mancham who visited him at his office asked him how governance issues were in the country.

"The President Sata and his team are doing very well. Some of us are proud of him," Dr Kaunda responded.

He also told the visiting former president that the government was making frantic efforts meant to boost the status of tourism in the country, citing the combination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism as an example.

He said he thought the idea was working "very well" so far.

Dr Kaunda praised Sir Mancham for the role he played to take freedom to the Seychelles and its people.

He said Zambia was a peaceful country.

And Sir Mancham announced that he was going to nominate Dr Kaunda for the Gusi Peace Prize because of his contribution to Africa and the world, to which he responded he was honoured and available to receive the award.

Often referred to as the Nobel Peace Prize of Asia, the Gusi Peace Prize is mandated by Presidential Proclamation signed by former Philippines president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declaring every fourth Wednesday of November as "The Gusi Peace Prize International Friendship Day.

The Gusi Peace Prize is named after the late Captain Gemeniano Javier Gusi who is considered a hero in the Philippines in the way he fought Japanese invaders during World War II after which he became a popular active advocate of human rights.

Sir Mancham said Africa and the world still held Dr Kaunda in high esteem.

"I am very happy that I am going to nominate you for the Gusi peace Prize. Last I received it and I was mandated to nominate someone from Africa," Sir Mancham said.

"…and I think that the time for Africa is dawning now. You used to talk about that a lot, Your Excellency."

He discouraged African governments against huge expenditures on military hardware saying instead the money could be channeled somewhere else like fighting poverty and disease.

Sir Mancham said Seychelles was doing well except the problems the country was facing with pirates from Somalia who had been capturing fishermen from that country Seychelles hence pushing the price of fish upwards.

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