Monday, June 11, 2012

Highlight development stories, Inonge Lewanika urges media

Highlight development stories, Inonge Lewanika urges media
By Abigail Sitenge
Mon 11 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

ZAMBIA'S former Ambassador to Belgium Dr Inonge Mbikusita Lewanika says the media should report more on developmental issues instead of concentrating on politics. In an interview, Dr Lewanika said the media in Zambia largely reported on politics yet there was a lot of development news.

"There is a lot of good work being done all over Zambia, good initiatives. There was that award called 'Women Celebrated' which UNFPA took all over the schools, we need to know more of that. So the media needs to cover development also and not only politics," she said.

Dr Lewanika said there was need for the media to play an active role in informing the masses on development matters because it would help the public to see role models.

"I have seen a bit of development stories. I saw a young man on TV who made a water pump. We need more of those examples because they trigger creativity and action. Now everything is politics; politics is very important but we need to do other things as well since not all of us can be in politics," she said.

Meanwhile, Dr Lewanika has expressed happiness with the increasing number of women holding senior positions in government, particularly the security wings.

"We are very happy about the appointment of more women in the Zambia Police, in the Army and the Zambia Air Force. So while the number of women MPs is decreasing, it's not government's fault. At least President Michael Sata has appointed more women leaders," said Dr Lewanika.

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