
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

(MnG) Malema condemns Zuma's absence at Youth Day rally

Malema condemns Zuma's absence at Youth Day rally
20 Jun 2012 08:12 - Sapa
Expelled ANCYL leader Julius Malema claims President Jacob Zuma undermined the youth by attending a G20 summit instead of joining a Youth Day rally. Expelled ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema. (M&G)

“President Zuma undermines the youth of South Africa,” Malema said in North West province on Tuesday, according to an SABC report. “How can he leave June 16 [Youth Day]?,” asked Malema.

Zuma’s spokeperson, Mac Maharaj, said the president’s schedule had to be adjusted for him to travel to Mexico. Maharaj denied reports that Zuma wanted to avoid being heckled at the Youth Day rally.

The Sunday Times reported that Zuma “dodged” the event because he expected to be booed and ridiculed by Malema supporters.

Malema also criticised the ANC’s march to the Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg to protest against The Spear, a painting depicting Zuma with exposed genitals.

“They want to march for a spear but none of them has ever marched against rape,” said Malema.

“That week when they were marching for a spear, there was a young girl who was raped by seven boys.

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None of them said let us march against these boys.”

The ANC in Limpopo this week condemned the reported rape of a five-year-old girl in the province. She had already allegedly been raped three times by three different men in her lifetime. - Sapa

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