
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

(MnG) Presidency: Loan to IMF critical in keeping rand stable

COMMENT - South Africa extends a loan to the IMF? If they have $2 billion to spare, why aren't they spending this on housing, land reform and manufacturing instead?

Presidency: Loan to IMF critical in keeping rand stable
20 Jun 2012 08:35 - Sapa

The $2-billion commitment to an International Monetary Fund "firewall" is not a gift but a sound financial investment, says the presidency. French President Francois Hollande and President Jacob Zuma attend a bilateral meeting in the framework of the G20 summit in Mexico. (Bertrand Langlois, AFP)

“If the IMF uses the funds, the money is lent to the IMF and not a gift ... [and] for all of this time the money will be earning interest for South Africa,” President Jacob Zuma’s spokesperson, Mac Maharaj said.

“The capital of the loan will ultimately be repaid to South Africa.

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It’s like lending money to a very strong bank. This is not a risky loan.”

Zuma committed some of South Africa’s reserves at the G20 summit, a meeting of the world’s greatest economies, in Los Cabos, Mexico on Monday.

Beneficiary rather than a contributor

At least $430-billion had been set aside to stave off the risk of another financial crisis, which would likely lead to a sharp decrease in global growth and rising unemployment.

IMF members could access the funds through a temporary loan, with conditions, and the reserves were not earmarked for any region.

While the news was welcomed by Business Unity South Africa as an important step in maintaining stable economic growth, the Congress of South African Trade Unions’ (Cosatu) felt South Africa should be a beneficiary rather than a contributor.

“The decision must be reversed and the $2-billion used to alleviate the plight of the poorest South Africans and to invest in the restructuring of our economy,” spokesperson Patrick Craven said.

Maharaj re-iterated that the funds were part of foreign reserves, did not require an additional budgetary allocation and were critical in keeping the rand stable.

Global stabilisation
“If the global economy falls sharply, there is a serious risk that we will lose more jobs. In the last global recession we lost one million jobs. Our contribution to the IMF is intended to help stave off this kind of crisis happening again.”

The wealth of a country was not necessarily an indicator for how much should be set aside for the IMF, he said.

China had a lower per capita income than South Africa and yet, had set aside $43-billion.

[But China has a lot more 'capitas', so this is bull. China has a population of 1,300,000,000, and South Africa a population of 50,000,000. - MrK]

India was “considerably poorer” and was allocating $10-billion.

[India has a population of 1,000,000,000. - MrK]

“Like China and India, South Africa is a responsible global citizen. We are in the G20 to support global stabilisation and growth. We need to continue to do our duty.”
- Sapa


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