
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Remove corrupt judges - M'bao

Remove corrupt judges - M'bao
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe and Moses Kuwema in Lusaka
Thu 21 June 2012, 13:25 CAT

RESTORING the integrity of the Judiciary will remain a dream in Zambia if the acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda allows herself to work with corrupt elements already in the system, says Reverend Richard M'bao.

Commenting on President Michael Sata's appointment of justices Lombe Chibesakunda and Florence Mumba as acting chief justice and deputy chief justice respectively, Reverend M'bao who is chairperson of the Pastors Forum for Eastern and Southern Africa, said transforming the Judiciary would not be successful if corrupt judges and staff within the system were not removed.

Rev M'bao said individuals within the judicial system with questionable characters must be investigated and removed from the system if Zambians were to have a credible Judiciary.

He said justices Chibesakunda and Mumba must look at their appointments by President Michael Sata as an opportunity to contribute to national development by creating a corrupt-free Judiciary.

Rev M'bao said the judiciary in Zambia was under ridicule because of compromised individuals that were serving their own interests and the interests of a few influential individuals.

"The appointment of the new Chief Justice must be a turning point for the country's judicial system. There is no way Zambians will take comfort in the Judiciary if radical measures aimed at 'sweeping the dirt' in the system are not immediately implemented," Rev M'bao said.

Rev M'bao said justice Chibesakunda had a mammoth task of redeeming the name of Zambia's Judiciary by creating an institution of justice.

He said the existence of courts alone provided no guarantee of justice as the institution was heavily corrupted in the previous regime.

Rev M'bao said the current status of the Judiciary was so weak that it could not gain public support because of the existence of individuals that refused to deliver justice in the past.

"The Judiciary will not change until those who serve in it and the public change their attitude and refrain from corruption. Some individuals have remained stubborn and are now fighting President Sata. It will be total confusion if corrupt elements are entertained within the system," he said.

And Senior Chief Bright Nalubamba says the judicial reforms may be conducted better with justice Lombe Chibesakunda and Florence Mumba at the helm of the Judiciary.

Commenting on President Sata's appointment of Supreme Court judges Chibesakunda and Mumba as acting Chief Justice and deputy respectively, chief Nalubamba said the two were clean.

"People have spoken enough and there is need for Zambians to listen to the people's voice. I want to believe that even the judicial reforms may be conducted better when Chibesakunda and Florence Mumba are there. Why I say so is because they have never been talked about in a very negative way, they are clean. They are a good appointment. We wish them well in their new positions," chief Nalubamba said.

Justices Chibesakunda and Mumba replace justices Ernest Sakala and Dennis Chirwa who have gone on leave pending end of their contracts this August.

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