
Thursday, June 21, 2012

ZRA reinstates assaulter, fires Complainant

ZRA reinstates assaulter, fires Complainant
By Agness Changala
Thu 21 June 2012, 13:22 CAT

THE Zambia Revenue Authority has terminated the contract of its director of human resources who sued a former assistant commissioner for customs, George Siame, for assaulting her.

Highly-placed sources told The Post yesterday that Rosemary Raelly's contract was terminated but that Siame was suspiciously reinstated and appointed acting director investigations.

Siame was fired from ZRA following the assault incident against Raelly and he was in August last year convicted for the offence.

Sources said Raelly's contract was terminated in January this year but that no reasons were furnished.

The sources said Raelly was unfairly treated because she was not a part of the commission of inquiry set up by President Michael Sata to probe corruption at the ZRA.

"She has never been charged and she was not even part of any commission of inquiry. Her contract was just terminated and we would want to believe that her contract was terminated to prepare the re-instatement of Siame," the source said.

The sources further said Raelly refused to disclose her dismissal to the media because she was dumbfounded and that her life would have been in danger had she taken that course.

The sources alleged that Siame was politically connected.

Sources said some people wrote to ZRA asking the two to withdraw the court case but Raelly refused to do so.

"She refused to withdraw the case and they made sure they threw mud. In fact, we are aware that the case was interfered with," the source said.

When contacted, Raelly confirmed the termination of her contract but declined to comment further saying she was not comfortable.

She however, said she was a Christian and that God would fight the battle for her.

And ZRA workers in their anonymous letter made available to the Non-Governmental Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC) confirmed Siame's reinstatement and his subsequent appointment as director investigations.

The workers stated that in order to bring Siame back, a new division called investigations had been formed.

"He has been reinstated as acting commissioner and immediately appointed acting director investigations with a view of advertising the position of director which we all know will be given to him," the letter read in part.

The workers stated that the morale in the organisation was extremely low and that this would affect revenue collection.

The workers feared for some of their colleagues who testified against Siame during the assault case.

They also questioned the calibre of ZRA board members and wondered why they should be paid allowances for just watching wrong things going on in the organisation.

They appealed to relevant authorities to ensure all the workers who were fired are re-instated.

"As employees, we are appealing to President Sata to save the face of ZRA.
Our hearts are bleeding," the workers stated.

ZRA director human resources could not give The Post a comment as he was reported to be in a meeting.

The secretary who answered the phone got the reporter's number and promised to give it to the director human resources but he did not call.

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