Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sweden asks MoH to improve accountability

Sweden asks MoH to improve accountability
By Henry Sinyangwe and Ashleigh Mostert
Tue 12 June 2012, 13:23 CAT

SWEDISH Ambassador to Zambia lena Nordstrom says the fight against corruption is an ongoing task and has asked the Ministry of Health to strengthen its accountability structures.

Speaking when her government released K33.5 billion for health sector improvement to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, Ambassador Nordstrom said her government was committed to supporting the Zambian health sector following the progress made by the Ministry of Health in recent years to improve accountability and transparency in management of funds.

The Swedish government had withheld funding to the Ministry of Health following a scandal where US$33 million of donor funding was reportedly abused.

"I am delighted to be able to make this vote of confidence to the Ministry of Health and also wish to congratulate all those who have worked very hard on setting things straight. When our Minister of Development Co-operation, Gunilla Carlson, visited Zambia in November last year, she went to Chongwe to visit health centres and hospitals, to talk to women who waited for antenatal care, to those who had just delivered and to the medical staff and traditional birth attendants performing miracles with bicycle ambulances on impossible roads. Today we are translating the Swedish government's commitment into reality and the funds transferred will be used for exactly those women. She Carlson would have liked to be here with you today," Ambassador Nordstrom said.

She said the Ministry of Health should put up strong oversight and accountability structures to avoid misuse of funds.

"Management based on results and performance, transparency and openness in the systems is of benefit not only for the Ministry of Health, but will result in better medical service for more Zambians, especially those in rural areas," said Ambassador Nordstrom.

And health minister Dr Joseph Kasonde said the government has since 2009 been implementing the governance action plan to strengthen the management capacity of the ministry in order to promote transparency, accountability and best practices in managing public resources.

"I am pleased to announce to the nation that as a result of the joint efforts between government and its cooperating partners to enhance good governance in the health sector, the oversight and fiduciary role of the ministry is now extremely positive," said Dr Kasonde.

"It is our commitment that service delivery shall continue to improve in order to realise our commitments to the Zambian people."

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