Tuesday, July 10, 2012

MMD pledges transparent polls for vice-presidency

MMD pledges transparent polls for vice-presidency
By Allan Mulenga
Tue 10 July 2012, 13:24 CAT

GABRIEL Namulambe has assured MMD members that elections of the two party vice-presidents will be conducted in a transparent manner. In an interview yesterday, Namulambe, who is MMD chairperson for elections, said all applicants would be subjected to a vote by the party's national executive committee.

"People are still applying for the vacant positions. We have already stated that 'let the people apply'. National Executive Committee will conduct the elections because by the Constitution they are supposed to fill in casual vacancies. In between the convention the NEC has got powers to fill in the vacant positions through a secret ballot," he said.

Asked on assertions that there were manoeuvres by some senior MMD members to adopt its party spokesperson Dora Siliya as vice-president, Namulambe dismissed the allegation saying that all interested members would pass through the voting process.

"No person is going to be adopted. The process is that people are going to apply and NEC is going to elect from people that are going to apply. No person is going to be adopted by anyone. We have invited for people to apply and if people are applying I don't see how a person can be adopted. How can a person be adopted if the process is that of applying? We are still waiting for applications until 15th July. After we have received all the applications then we are going to announce how we are going to proceed. But as I have stated before elections are going to be conducted by NEC," said Namulambe.

Solwezi member of parliament Lucky Mulusa and Mwandi MP Michael Kaingu are among those who have announced their intentions to contest the vacant position.

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