
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Chadiza farmers complain about distance they have to travel to sell Maize to FRA

Chadiza farmers complain about distance they have to travel to sell Maize to FRA
TIME PUBLISHED - Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 10:09 pm

Some farmers in Chadiza district have complained of the distance that they are covering in order to sell their maize to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) deports. Kabvumo Ward Councillor Adamson Phiri said people are walking more than 10 Kilometres from their villages to the nearest FRA deports to sell their maize.

Mr Phiri said peasant farmers are finding it difficult to transport their maize as transporters are charging them K4,000 and K5,000 per 50 kilogramme bag of maize that is to be transported.

The area councillor has since appealled to government to quickly open satellite deports that will be closer to the communities so that people can afford to sell their maize in a more conducive manner.

The FRA has only opened three (3) deports in Chadiza district and these are Manje, Chamandala and Chadiza main deports while in Vubwi only Two (2) deports have been opend at Zozwe and Chikoma.

And in another development, works on the Chimtanga –Sakwi road via Nunda in Chadiza district have commenced.

Kabvuma Ward Councillor Adamson Phiri who confirmed the development to ZANIS in Chadiza praised government for releasing some money to rehabilitate the road structure that breaks almost every rainy season.

Mr Phiri has however, demanded that the road network must be reinforced with strong culverts if the road is to last long.

He said because of not being strengthened with any culverts, the water crossing points have been causing very huge impact on the road network.

Mr Phiri said that about 11 culverts were required in the stretch between Kabvumo and Sakwi and that another 6 culverts were required between Kabvumo and Chimtanga.

The bad road net work has been a big challenge for the programme of transporting farm produce and patients in rural setups especially in Chief Zingalume and Mwangala’s areas.


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