
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) PF denies reports that most of its cadres have been employed as FRA clerks

PF denies reports that most of its cadres have been employed as FRA clerks
TIME PUBLISHED - Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 9:17 am

The Patriotic Front in Choma has denied accusations that most of its cadres have been employed as maize buying Depot Clerks by Food Reserve Agency (FRA). District Political Secretary Benadette Hamweemba says the rumours are false, and they aim at disturbing the warm relationship her party is enjoying with the people of Choma.

Speaking in an interview to ZANIS in Choma on Tuesday, Mrs Hamweemba said it’s unfortunate to learn that some people in the district are masquerading as PF cadres to champion their agenda bent on character assassination.

Mrs Hamweemba says this clearly indicates how much influence her party has in the district and that it has started bearing fruits resulting into some people trying to bring confusion through alleged falsehoods.

The Choma PF District Political Secretary has charged that her party will continue doing its best in the district to serve the people despite the falsehood that is being promoted by others.

Mrs Hamweemba says people of Choma will not allow some few individuals to take them for granted at the expense of development.

With the shifting of the provincial headquarters from Livingstone, Choma is expected to soon undergo major changes in terms of development.

Mrs Hamweemba however says qualified PF members are also at liberty to apply for employment as FRA Depot Clerks just like other members of opposition political parties.

Mrs Hamweemba has warned that the speculations are misleading and can cause political tension in the district if left unchecked.

“People are just jealous because they have seen how the party in the district has continued scoring marks,” she says.

Meanwhile Mrs Hamweemba has also disputed claims by a Sky FM Radio caller on the radio station popular program SKY Forum alleging that the ruling party in Choma district is forcing people to join it.

Mrs Hamweemba says on Monday this week an unknown caller called on Sky FM program alleging that her party (PF) is forcing people to join it.

She says people who are joining the party are doing so willingly due to the good leadership qualities the district has exhibited.

“We are working tirelessly and people are seeing results not that we are forcing them,” she says.


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