Monday, August 13, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T appeals for Zambia support

COMMENT - I guess getting the blessing from the US and UK makes the MDC believe they can start dictating to neighboring countries how to act. MDC Minister Khupe was central to the circumcision fraud in Zimbabwe, for which she has of course not apologized.

MDC-T appeals for Zambia support
12/08/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

MDC-T deputy leader Thokozani Khupe has urged Zambia, whose leader routinely incenses her party by publicly backing President Robert Mugabe, to help ensure that Zimbabwe organises “free and fair” elections next year.

Khupe, a deputy prime minister in the coalition government, met Zambia’s Vice President Guy Scott Friday as part of regional charm offensive by her MDC-T party ahead of this week’s SADC meeting in Mozambique.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting Khupe said: “Our plea to the Zambian government is that we want them to assist us by speaking…so that the people of Zimbabwe have got a free and fair election because we don’t want an election for the sake of it.

“We want an election which is going to be credible and election which is going to be legitimate; an election which is going to be free and fair and more importantly an election which is going to respect the will of the people.”

The MDC-T joined the coalition government violent elections in 2008. Party leader Morgan Tsvangirai believes he won the elections but was prevented from taking over power by security services chiefs seen as fiercely loyal to Mugabe.

Khupe said her party did not want a repeat of the violence which was experienced during the 2008 election as well as its chaotic aftermath when the announcement of results was delayed for several weeks.

“We don’t want a repeat of 2008 as you know that we are in this inclusive government to make sure that we level the playing field. We are working very hard to make sure that we level the playing field.

“Whoever wins the next elections is allowed to run the country so that we have got smooth transition of power like what happened here in Zambia,” the visiting official said.

Zambian President Michael Sata has caused unease within the MDC-T ranks over his support for President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF party at meetings of the regional SADC grouping.

In January Sata dismissed MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai as a “western stooge” telling a British newspaper: "We don't know the policies of Morgan – he has other people speaking for him rather than speaking for himself.

"There will be elections (in Zimbabwe) and Mugabe will go and someone else will take over, but not someone imposed by the Western countries."

The regional SADC grouping, led by South African leader, Jacob Zuma is helping parties to the coalition government implement political reforms as well as draw-up a so-called roadmap to new elections.

The reforms include the recently completed new constitution which the MDC parties have since endorsed while Zanu PF is pushing for several amendments to the document.
The constitution will be put to a referendum leading to new elections now widely expected next year.

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