Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nkombo pledges never to work with PF govt

Nkombo pledges never to work with PF govt
By Kabanda Chulu
Sun 30 Sep. 2012, 09:30 CAT

MAZABUKA UPND member of parliament Garry Nkombo has vowed never to work with President Sata's government because it is intolerant to diverse views.

And gender minister Inonge Wina has advised men who are emotionally stressed and traumatised to come out in the open and seek help.

Contributing to debate on President Sata's address to Parliament, where he offered to work with members of opposition parties, Nkombo, whose statement was continuously interrupted by running commentaries from PF members, said it was good that the Head of State had admitted the lack of expertise among PF members.

"It is good that President Sata has offered to work with the opposition but if the PF government remains intolerant to diverse views, and continues infringing on human rights by unleashing state agents like police on innocent Zambians, and continues applying dictatorial tendencies, then I decline to work with his government," Nkombo said.

"It is sad that the draconian nature of the PF has transcended from the political field into the Church and this compels me not to work with them. If PF wants a one-party state, let them bring a law to Parliament and we shall gladly step aside to do other things."

He said the PF government was quickly helping 'themselves' out of power.
"There is abuse of the public order Act, but people are watching; even when you gag them, subdue the truth, things will still come out. President Sata is a President for all Zambians but personally I didn't swear to be abused by any human being," said Nkombo.

Solwezi Central MMD member of parliament Lucky Mulusa said President Sata's speech missed out an opportunity to rekindle hope in the nation.

"He was supposed to highlight what they have done during the past year and what they hope to do in the coming year with proper indicators so that people can look forward to see changes in their livelihoods," said Mulusa.

And responding to Monze member of parliament Jack Mwiimbu, who asked if it was government position not to condemn violence against men but quickly condemn the vice if the victims were women, Wina said that there were few cases concerning males.

"Also there is complete silence by men but if there are victims, men beaten by their spouses, let them come out and seek help instead of remaining emotionally stressed and traumatised," said Wina.

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