
Thursday, October 04, 2012

Govt embarks on reforms to reduce abuse of funds

Govt embarks on reforms to reduce abuse of funds
By Kabanda Chulu
Thu 04 Oct. 2012, 13:40 CAT

FINANCE minister Alexander Chikwanda says the government has embarked on various reforms to improve efficiency and reduce abuse of funds that has become a common feature in the Auditor General's reports.

Chikwanda said the government would continue to aggressively pursue perpetrators of fraud so that public resources were safeguarded and utilised for their intended objectives of meeting aspirations of Zambians.

"To meet these expectations, we will work closely with all stakeholders, especially the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to ensure that an environment which is favourable to promotion of prudent and efficient financial management is created," Chikwanda said on Tuesday, in moving a motion to constitute members of the PAC for the current session of parliament where Kasenengwa member of parliament Vincent Mwale went through unopposed as PAC chairperson for another 12 months.

"We have decided to focus on improving efficiency, reducing waste and using existing resources in more transparent and accountable ways and any action that will be at variance with this stand will not be taken lightly."

He said some of the reforms being undertaken would enhance efficiency in the collection of non tax revenue and reduction in abuse and misappropriation of public funds.

"For example, fees for national registration and passports will no longer be collected by the Passport Office but instead will be collected through commercial banks with effect from 2013," Chikwanda said.

He challenged the members of PAC to go beyond just looking at numbers but also engage in performance and output analysis of government investments.

"We are taking specific actions to strengthen implementation of corrective action in the handling of public resources such as the changes in the management of imprest, which is aimed at eliminating abuse of imprest by public officers," said Chikwanda.

"My appeal to members of PAC is for them to objectively play their part by ensuring that public resources are applied effectively for the development of the nation."

The National Assembly unanimously approved the composition of Mwale, Mwimba Malama, Gertrude Imenda, Patrick Mucheleka, Highvie Hamu-dudu, Mwansa Mbulakulima, Chifita Matafwali, Austin Milambo and James Chishiba.

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