
Thursday, October 04, 2012

Nawakwi agrees with Sata on working as a team

Nawakwi agrees with Sata on working as a team
By Allan Mulenga
Thu 04 Oct. 2012, 14:10 CAT

EDITH Nawakwi says no individual has a monopoly of wisdom in the governance system.

Nawakwi, who is opposition FDD president, said there was need for the opposition to work with the government for the common goal of national development.

"We have only one country. It is extremely important that as a people we recognise on-season and off-season for campaigns... we can mobilise the support for our political parties," Nawakwi said.

"His (President Sata's) speech in Parliament is in the context that there is not one individual who has the monopoly of wisdom especially on matters of economic development. We can tap on each other's strengths to strengthen our weaknesses and move the country forward."

She said economic growth, if properly targeted and managed, could reduce poverty levels in the country.

"Everyone knows that economic development, if properly managed, can reduce poverty. This growth must be centered on developing districts and the rural areas," Nawakwi said.

Nawakwi was commenting on President Sata's call for the government and opposition members of parliament to work as a team.

During his address to Parliament, President Sata expressed disappointment with incidents of political violence, saying dialogue was the best way to engage each other in a democracy.

He said he had for long time ignored attacks from some opposition leaders because he wanted to listen more.

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