Monday, October 15, 2012

Nawakwi implores men to vote for her in 2016

Nawakwi implores men to vote for her in 2016
By Darious Kapembwa and Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Mon 15 Oct. 2012, 14:00 CAT

IF only men can vote for me, I will be president in 2016, says Edith Nawakwi. In an interview in Ndola on Wednesday, Nawakwi said she had growing support from the women groupings and youths were joining her party in numbers because they believed in the agenda the party was advancing.

She said Zambians would be looking for real change in the 2016 general elections.

"So it's only men who should give me a vote, I am not worried about the women vote, they know we are capable as women," she said. "We have been in alliances which did not work like the UPND-FDD-UNIP (UDA), things did not go well, in 2008 we decided to play a role of a mother, we said, 'let's help our friends who are mourning', so we supported the MMD based on that principle."

Nawakwi said the stereotype approach where men think only women should vote for fellow women should come to an end. "Women will vote for me, so if only men vote for me in 2016, I will be president," she said.

Nawamwi said in 2011, people wanted to get rid of MMD and they made it clear that they wanted to move away from MMD at all costs.

"So they supported the PF but 2016 will be a different ball game. People will vote for real change and that is where I as a mother comes in. There is need to eradicate poverty completely, all these cases of gender-based violence need to be fought vigorously so that women claim their rightful position," she said.

She said there was need to lower the cost of living in the country by providing opportunities for all classes in society.

"We can develop roads, we can bring in development of any kind but we must remember that poverty can exist in the midst of development. Development must affect people positively," she said.

On the Mufumbwe by-elections, Nawakwi said there was need for all political players participating in the election to be tolerant and promote peace.
She said human life was precious and should not be lost merely for wanting to win a parliamentary seat.

"Elections come and go but life is sacred and should continue, we must treat each other with a motherly heart despite our differences."

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