Monday, October 15, 2012

Opportunists should not hold PF to ransom - TIZ

Opportunists should not hold PF to ransom - TIZ
By Allan Mulenga
Mon 15 Oct. 2012, 14:00 CAT

THE PF should not be held to ransom by a few greedy opportunists, says TIZ.

And Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) president Rueben Lifuka has urged the PF to state the sources of funds that will be used to pay back its benefactors who are clamouring for government contracts to recoup what they spent on the party's campaigns in the last general elections.

Commenting on PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba´s statement that some senior government and party officials were engaging in corrupt activities to recoup the money they pumped into the party, Lifuka said the PF leadership should deal with the issue.

"It is evident from the statement made by Hon. Kabimba that the PF had a string of opportunists who funded the party in the vain hope of recouping on this 'investment' once the party formed government. This in itself is political corruption and the PF government and the people of Zambia should not be held to ransom by a few greedy opportunists," he said.

"It is incumbent upon the PF government and upon the PF leadership to purge the system of all such malcontents. We would have been happier to hear from the Minister of Justice on the type of sanctions taken against these senior government and party officials which should include reporting such inimical activities to the relevant authorities."

Lifuka urged the government to come up with a bill to prevent political parties from receiving financial support from its benefactors on the understanding that government contracts would be given to them once the party is elected.

"A few weeks ago, President Michael Sata requested those that were claiming that there was corruption in the PF government to provide the necessary evidence, Honourable Kabimba as Cabinet minister is well-placed to provide this to the President.

Further, Honourable Kabimba should use his position as Minister of Justice to take to Parliament a bill to regulate political party financing and stop this trend of political parties receiving financial support from its benefactors on the understanding that government contracts will be given to them once the party is elected. Unregulated political party financing is a source of serious forms of corruption," he said.

And Lifuka urged the PF to state the sources of funds that would be used to pay back its benefactors clamouring for government contracts.

"The question that begs an answer is where has the PF party suddenly found money to repay back its financial supporters including those trying to reap from government contracts? Clearly, the party received financial support because it was not well resourced to meet all its financial requirements and if this was the case then, is the PF saying in the one year it has been in office, it has amassed such wealth to be able to pay back its benefactors who are not clamouring for government contracts?

It will be a sad day for most Zambians if this country goes back to the period where the line between the party and the government was blurred. It will be a throwback to the dark ages if public funds are used to meet party expenses. Our caution to the PF is simple: do whatever you want with party finances but do not use public funds to fulfil your obligations," said Lifuka.

Kabimba last week said some senior government and party officials were engaging in corrupt activities to recoup the money they spent on the party.

Kabimba, who is also justice minister, urged all party members that spent money on the PF with intentions of recouping those monies when the party gets into government to submit their bills, so that they could be paid back.

He was reacting to Mike Mulongoti's statement that all he wanted from the PF and President Sata was a thank you for his time and resources in support of the PF campaign.

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