
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chirwa promises Zambia a 21st century rail system

Chirwa promises Zambia a 21st century rail system
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 20 Nov. 2012, 11:59 CAT

PROFESSOR Clive Chirwa says Zambia should have a 21st century rail system by the end of his tenure of office. But Charles Milupi says that Prof Chirwa must not only work towards modernising the rail system but also make it commercially viable.

Outlining his strategies for revamping the system currently in a state of disrepair, Prof Chirwa said his aim was to establish an electric-powered and high-speed railway system, typical of a 21st century nation.

"It has to electrified. If we do not electrify, then it will be too expensive for us. We don't have coal so we are going to electrify it. Electrification may not come from Zesco, we have to build our own electric system to maintain the running of the rail," he said.

Professor Chirwa said that his task would commence with a market research.
He said this would be followed by reviewing the conditions of service of workers and a budget estimate.

Prof Chirwa said at the end of his three-year-contract, the railway should making billions of dollars as well create jobs.
"This is a multi-billion dollar company and now it is doing a hundred thousand dollars. So if we revamp it, that is a hell lot of money we will be making and it is the greatest opportunity to employ as many people as possible for our young people and to make sure we take it forward," he said when he appeared on Muvi TV on Sunday.

"Our cargo unit is not bad but what we don't have is the passenger unit. We are going to bring in new coaches which will be manufactured here.

"ZRA will be at the nucleus of a cluster of different companies, which will be manufacturing goods that will go to the revamping of the railway system to build locomotives. ZAMEFA (Zambia Metal Fabricators) for example is the key part of our plan so we are creating a new industry era."
But Milupi, said in an interview that Prof Chirwa's plan were brilliant and achievable.

He however cautioned that consideration of the availability of the necessary resources was vital.

"I have no doubt he can do it. What I would advise him is to make an assessment of what the situation is. He has to sit down and find out the exact cost because I feel it will cost more than that and if we borrow, over how many years are we going to recoup that In terms of the volume of the business unit?" he said.

Milupi said in addition to modernising the rail, Prof Chirwa must ensure it was commercially viable and sustainable to produce a return on investment.

"He must understand that in Zambia, they are many other interested parties. He also needs government support to be able to borrow this money. He also needs expertise to work with?" he said.

Milupi said Prof Chirwa should not be tempted to work at the pace of politicians but according his own pace

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