
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Africa must liberate itself from poverty - KK

Africa must liberate itself from poverty - KK
By Ernest Chanda
Tue 20 Nov. 2012, 12:00 CAT

DR Kenneth Kaunda has challenged Africans to rise up and develop the continent themselves. Accepting the 2012 Voice Magazine Achievers award in Amsterdam, Netherlands on Friday, Dr Kaunda said Africa will not be developed by people from outside, but by its own people.

"We need to do everything possible to link our continent into the global economy. I have repeatedly stated before that Africa will not be developed by people from outside our continent but by ourselves taking the lead to liberate ourselves from the malaise of poverty to under development," Dr Kaunda said in a speech read on his behalf by Zambia's Ambassador to Belgium, Grace Kabwe.

"I am delighted to mention that efforts to this end are already under way.

We have so far established the necessary fora for achieving our desired goals through encouraging economic growth through regional integration. As an old freedom fighter, I am happy that as a continent, we are taking meaningful steps to achieve economic and social development for our people not only for this generation but more so, for our succeeding generations in years to come."
He said Africans were creative people who deserved every opportunity for advancement in their standard of living.

"And I know that we do have many worthy people for this award than humble self. It is therefore with a deep sense of humility and appreciation that I accept this award in the name of the weak and vulnerable among us. Those for whom we must work tirelessly in order that they too achieve better living standards in this our one world," said Dr Kaunda.

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