
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gwembe UPND MP Ntundu fears circumcision

COMMENT - Circumcision is being pushed by a couple of fanatics who want to circumcise the world, and know that Africa is an easy mark because we are outsourcing our healthcare to unaccountable NGOs, instead of collecting the taxes that allow our ministries to set their own policy. For more information, google: doctors opposing circumcision hiv statement.

Gwembe UPND MP Ntundu fears circumcision
By Moses Kuwema
Tue 20 Nov. 2012, 12:00 CAT

GWEMBE UPND member of parliament Brian Ntundu, 50, yesterday laid bare his sex life and caused laughter during a sensitisation meeting for members of parliament when he said he struggles to do one round of sex on account of his age.

This was during the voluntary medical male circumcision workshop for members of parliament, when Ntundu was given an opportunity to ask a question following Dr Manasseh Phiri's lecture on male circumcision. Ntundu wanted to find out from Dr Phiri if it was true that the 'sweetness' of sex is lost when one gets circumcised.

"When I was young….I had my first child at the age of 17 and during that time, I used to do more rounds but now I am 50 years old and I struggle to do one round of sex," explained Ntundu.

At this point, Dr Phiri chipped in and advised Ntundu to spare the meeting the details and get straight to his question.

Ntundu then proceeded and said: "Now if I am struggling at 50, what will happen if I circumcise… I am sure you know what I am trying to say."

Later, Dr Phiri assured Ntundu that it was not true that 'sweetness' was lost after one was circumcised.

Earlier, Bweengwa UPND member of parliament Highvie Hamududu shared his experience on circumcision with his fellow parliamentarians.

Hamududu revealed how his wife, who had accompanied him for circumcision, got concerned that the 'instrument' could be damaged.

This was after Kalomo UPND member of parliament Request Muntanga asked Hamududu if his wife had accompanied him for circumcision of which he responded in the affirmative.

"My wife was there watching because she is the owner of the property and she was making sure that the doctors were doing it nicely," said Hamududu.
He revealed that after undergoing circumcision, he received a number of phone calls from friends and relatives.

Hamududu later told the gathering about how he wished his wife was present yesterday to testify about other benefits that had come with his circumcision.

He further said the country had lost a number of ideas that were buried at the cemetery because of the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Speaking earlier, US Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella said the national goal that Zambia had set of circumcising 1.9 million men by 2015 would prevent up to 339,632 new HIV infections.

Ambassador Storella said the target figure was an astonishing health and financial benefit for Zambians.
"We applaud your bold leadership and the American people, through PEPFAR, have invested more than US$17 million dollars for 2013 to support Zambia's national goal," he said.

Ambassador Storella said Zambia's high HIV prevalence rate was in part due to low levels of male circumcision.

He said the demand for medical male circumcision was still low, adding that it was essential for members of parliament to encourage people in their constituencies to undergo medical male circumcision in order to achieve and AIDS free generation in Zambia.

Meanwhile, deputy speaker of the National Assembly, Mkhondo Lungu said informing members of parliament on important issues like male circumcision was a sure way of communicating with the ordinary people in various constituencies and the country.

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