
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We'll protect Litunga - Sata

We'll protect Litunga - Sata
By Masuzyo Chakwe in Lusaka and Brina Siwale in Livingstone
Tue 20 Nov. 2012, 12:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says the state will defend and protect the Litunga and the Barotse Royal Establishment from any attempts of aggression being fomented by a clique of misguided individuals.

According to a statement by special assistant to the President for press and public relations George Chellah, President Sata had credible information that there were certain frustrated and ill-advised persons that were manoeuvring to bring strife to the Litunga and the BRE.

He warned that the state security wings would not sit idle and watch reckless people sow discord in Western Province.

"This government is committed to ensuring peace and stability in Western Province and views the Litunga and the BRE as an important part of that process. The Litunga and the BRE symbolises national unity and identity," he said.

"Therefore, those seeking to undermine the Litunga and the BRE using unlawful means will be dealt with firmly. As responsible elected officers of the people, we pledge that urgent and practical measures will be engaged to nip these illegitimate schemes in the bud."

Last week former education deputy minister in the MMD administration Clement Wainyae Sinyinda resigned his position as Barotseland's Ngambela chief counselor following deep-rooted disagreements with Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II.
But sources within the Barotse Royal Establishment told The Post that Sinyinda's resignation follows Litunga Imwiko's recently expressed willingness to discuss the Barotseland Agreement issue as opposed to the province seceding from Zambia.

On Sunday, Linyungandambo Livingstone chapter declared war against anyone involved in the resignation of Ngambela Sinyinda.
Livingstone chapter chairman George Akufuna said during a media briefing, that he would travel with his members to Limulunga to ensure that anyone involved in the Ngambela's resignation was out of office.

"The Lozi is not second hand clothes. It is a country for the people and it cannot be sold to anybody. We don't need mafias in Barotseland. We want to work in harmony as people of Barotseland. We are ready to move to Limulunga. We are going to Limulunga not to fight anybody but to make sure that the Ngambela is in office and make sure that the Sikombwa leaves the palace," said Akufuna.

"If there are some Indunas who were involved, they must start packing before we arrive because we shall arrive like a storm. Time of talking is over. It is now a time of action."
And chapter secretary Kebby Lifasi said they wanted Sinyinda back as Ngambela.

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