
Monday, November 05, 2012

Honouring of freedom fighters' wives cheers ZAMWA

Honouring of freedom fighters' wives cheers ZAMWA
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Mon 05 Nov. 2012, 12:30 CAT

THE Zambia Media Women Association has expressed happiness with President Michael Sata's gesture of honouring wives of freedom fighters during the 48th Independence Day celebrations.

ZAMWA chairperson Felistus Chipako-Nwaneri stated yesterday that ZAMWA prayed that this was the beginning of women being recognised for their sweat.

"We have no doubt that the gesture is a source of great encouragement to other women to work hard. It is sad that for 48 years women who fought side-by-side with their spouses were not recognised and it is thrilling to see the day when our gallant women finally get the deserved honours. It is our hope that the women and the many freedom fighters that have not yet been recognised will also be assisted economically," she stated.

Chipako-Nwaneri stated that it was heartbreaking to see people who gave up their time, resources, aspirations and dreams to fight for Zambia's freedom, wallowing in poverty and reduced to destitution.

On Independence Day this year, President Sata honoured the late freedom fighter and leader of the African National Congress (ANC) Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe's widow, Chilufya.

Others honoured were Rodia, Humphrey Mulemba's widow, Mainza Chona's widow Yolanda and former UNIP secretary general Grey Zulu's wife, Mary and late freedom fighter and first Republican vice-president Reuben Kamanga's widow, Edna.

And ZAMWA has echoed and supported NGOCC's statement that Zesco should give Shabi Mulenga, the mother of the quintuplets, 18 months maternity leave.
"It is true that six months which Mrs. Mulenga has been granted is not enough and we request Zesco to seriously consider the suggested 18 months leave," she stated.

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