
Monday, November 05, 2012

Mambo asks Jere to help motivate cops

Mambo asks Jere to help motivate cops
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Mon 05 Nov. 2012, 12:30 CAT

BISHOP John Mambo has asked newly-appointed deputy Inspector General of police Solomon Jere to help motivate police officers.

Bishop Mambo said there was need to boost the morale of police officers because they were the worst looked after among defence personnel.

Bishop Mambo said it would be difficult for Dr Jere to fight corruption in the police if officers continued to live under poor conditions.

"If you come to one of the police camps near my farm, these (police officers) are the ones guarding the President, Vice-President, ministers and so forth but they are living in uncompleted houses which were built during Aaron Milner when he was home affairs minister. Some of them are senior officers in the force," Bishop Mambo said.

"To make matters worse, those grade 12s who are coming (to join the force) with excitement, they can't stand such environment. The situation will force the officers to mount road blocks in order to at least have something to take home."

He said Dr Jere and the Inspector Geeral of police Stella Libongani alone could not fight corruption but needed the participation of all stakeholders.

"We need to start appreciating the work that our officers are doing.
How can we have officers living a camp that has no water 48 years after independence? Most of the police officers know a lot. But they choose to keep quiet, especially if they are promised something by these corrupt people," he said.

He advised Dr Jere not rejoice about his appointment until after he helped out in uplifting the conditions of the police officers.
Last month some police officers in Ndola said they would continue receiving bribes from copper thieves if their conditions of service are not improved.

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